Chapter 3. The party

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Hey I just met you and this is crazy but here's my number so call me mabey and also this is dedicated to Fortnitellama For legit making my day also this is gonna be a long as hell chapter I mean this is gone take you a good amount of time to fucking read I'm so serious

--------------Blake's POV------------------

After the incident in the park Justin refused to talk to me, hell he barely looked my way he just avoided any type of contact with me. Walking down the crowded halls I watch as friends grouped together and left, going to where Justin was at I was welcomed by the beautiful girls.

Smiling I greeted them all before turning my attention to Justin who had been looking my way but quickly looked away. "So kitten what type of party will be going on tonight I would love to go," I say to Justin as he snaps his head in my direction with a frown as I smirk.

"Um its a costume party me and Penelope are going together with the red of the group and we are dress up as a Greek guard and goddess" he says blushing a bit ass all the girls giggled "yeah we saw his costume its so hot" one girl giggles making Penelope play hit her arm " yeah my babe looking hot ass hell there's barely anything covered so I'll have fun once we get home" she says whispering the last part into his ear.

Keeping my wolf Adrian back I smiled and rubbed the back of my neck "I may just go as a skeleton and bring one friend along" I say as a girl suddenly clings to my arm "well I could be your skeleton babe" she says trailing a finger down my arm.

"Sorry baby this skeleton's bones to big for you," I say making her blush and look away, smirking I look back at Justin ho had a satisfied look on his face.

Looking at me I watched as his face went plain but he didn't bother to look away, biting my bottom lip I let my eyes trail his body. Feeling Adrian push to get out I began letting my eyes trail back up to Justin's face. Smiling I watched as a blush formed on his face my stare clearly bothering him.

"Ok well I'm heading home bye guys," I say walking off to where my pack stood "alpha when is your mate coming to meet the pack," a girl from the pack said as her mate hugged her, shaking my head I looked over to Justin who was joking with his group of friends.

"I have no idea, "I say feeling upset " he's fucking human he doesn't feel the pull or does he understand his feelings for me, "I say running a frustrated hand through my hair as a girl who constantly flirted with me in the pack latched herself onto my arm again.

"Just forget him, baby, I'll be your Luna," she says making some people growl at her, worse part us her mate was just standing there close to tears, This girl is a slut and when she found out she had a female mate she treated her like shit but kept her around.

I know they mated but she still cheats on her mate, and I feel bad for the girl cause she's scared to reject her. "How about you go back to your mate and say sorry," I say pointing to her mate who was now crying in the arms of another pack member.

Her face seemed to falter for a moment before she put her facade back up, walking over to her mate she garbed her hand before walking off with her.

Shaking my head I began to walk with the rest of the group towards the entrance of the school, walking out I could the stare of someone. Looking around I catch sight of red eyes in the bushes, if there's a rouge here there's a chance it'd not alone.

Looking around I see 2 other pair of red eyes beside him but they were not looking my way, growling a bit I began to take steps towards where they were keeping the eye contact with the tallest one "Blake"a voice said making look me away, quickly looking back I see that the wolves have disappeared.

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