Chapter 6: Going home!

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        The babies started to stir around 7:30 8. I got up to use the bathroom and get changed. Cuase I know one they were fully awake I  wasnt going to get anytime for myself. A soon as I was done I walked out and Zak had Miya in his arms. "Was she fully awake?" I asked him. "Yea, she was wimpering and i didnt want to get worse cause Mason is still sleeping." He explained "Thats my boy." I laughed  and layed back down for a little. "Babe." I heard "Yeah."  "Miya shit her self."  I chuckled  "Well then change her." I said "But she is a girl." "Oh, Jesus christ, giver her to me." I said getting up after I was done with her, I looked over at Mason who was still sleeping. "Damn, Miya why  cant you be more like your brother? You must of been the one waking me up in the middle of the night to pee." Zak and I laughed. I changed Miya into the onesie her god father gave her. "Its 8:30 and Mason still aint up." Zak said "Yeah, I hope he aint like this when he gets older." "I hope not id kick his ass out of bed." Zak said meanly. "Dont you hurt my baby boy." "Baby. I thought I was your baby?" Zak asked with puppy dog eyes. Me and Zak kissed, Miya must of saw cause she made some kind of noise.  It was 9:00 and Mason was finally up. I changed him and his outfit in the onesie Aaron got him. We took pictures and put them into there carseats "Umm, Hun." "Yeah," I said getting everthing together. "Mason is in Miya's carseat and Miya is in Mason's." I laughed "Oh, No lets switch them." the was Zak knew was because he picked Miya's out. It was all pink with all different kinds of animal print on it and I picked Mason out it was blue with tigers all over it. "Okay now were ready." When we walked out of the room the doctor was out there. "Hey doc." I said trying to stop him "Hey you already to go?" He asked "No not quiet, I have a question." "Oh ok, Im listening." "Why were the twins early if they are full term wieght?" he had a look on there face like I should tell them. "They are not early you must of concived them earlier then you thought." I looked at Zak. "In the car, Ok thank you." We said goodbye and thank you to the nurses and walked out. We put them in the car. I sat in the back with them and of course I was taking pictures and posting them. The name of the album was "Going Home!" we pulled up to the house and I saw Mary's car. We got the twins in my house. "Awe, wheres my god son?" asked Nick "Yeah were is my god daughter?" Mary asked."Jesus there not even home 2 seconds and they got poperatzie." we all laughed. I handed them each a baby. "Would you guys me kind enough to watch them while Zak and I go do there rooms?" I asked "Sure, Go do what you need." Mary said. "Thank you." "All the bags from the shower are in the rooms seperated." I looked at Mary "Your a life saver girl." We went to Mason's room first we put his cloths in draw and hung some up. We did the same with Miya's. We also made there cribs. Once we were done we looked at there rooms. "WOW!"Zak said "What?"  I asked "Cant believe I have 2 not 1, 2 beautiful children and a gourgious to be wife." I started tearing up for the 20th time this week. "Stop with with water works." We laughed and went down stairs. "How are they?" I asked like I havent seen them in forever. "They are fine." I took Mason from from Nick and Zak took Miya from Mary. "We got to go, we have a doctors appointmen." "Alright see you later." They walked out I changed Mason and took him for a nap. That shit head can sleep. I took Miya from Zak and did the same thing. I turned the monitors on, Put the on th coffee table  and cuddled with Zak on the couch. Soon after we both fell asleep.

                                The next day

        The next day Zak got up early with the twins without me knowing and also made breakfast. I got up to use the bathroom then I looked in Mason's room, he wasnt there. I looked in Miya's room and she wasnt there either. I ran downstair to the kitchen . "Zak the twins are gone!" He laughed at me "No, there in the living room watching t.v. in ther basinet things. There happy little campers." I sighed in reliefe.  I made breakfast for you. Bacon and Pancakes." I smiled at him "My favorite, Thank you." I kissed him. We started to eat, a couple bites into my pancakes one of the babies started to cry. I walked over and noticed the tv was on commercial. "Babe what are the twins watching?" "Ghost adventures." I noticed Miya was the one crying. "Babe, come here." Zak walked over and she stopped crying. "Walk away agian." She started to cry again. "Well, she is a daddy's little girl." Zak said with a smirk. "I have to go to the office and you cant go back to the office for another  weeks."  he said. I sighed "So i have to tak care of them by myself?" I asked "Umm, yeah." He said not trying to be mean. "Okay, I hope I have enough strengh for the both of them. but could you wait till I get changed, please." "Yeah." I smiled and ran upstairs. I changed put my hair into a pony. Then I ran back down stairs. "Okay you can go now." We kissed and he left. "First day all by ourselfs what are we ganna do?" They didnt reply. It was the first day with the twins and  without Zak. Me and him were always together.  2 hours later they were fed. changed and taking a nap. I was all alone down stairs. I was watching tv minding my own buisness when I heard something in the kitchen. Zak was at work, Dad was went to see an old friend and the twins were to young to come down and do anything. "Hello." I said, Nothing happened, I ran down to the dungeon that Zak had been working on and grabbed an evp and went back upstairs. I turned it on in the kitchen "Hello." I called out again.  "Hello."  a women called said. "Who is here with me?" I asked "Your mom." Thought it was messing with me "You have  beautiful children nicole. If I was still there id spoil the crap out of them both." She said I dropped to my knees and cried. "Its okay sweetie. Im always here with you." I felt her touch my heart. "I love you." "I love you to mom." Nothing happeded after that I put the evp away and went back upstairs. I made sur the monitures were on and I fell asleep on the couch. 2 1/2 hours later I heard Miya's monitor go off. I started getting up and before I get off the couch a mans voice started talking to her it was Zak. "Well hi there beautiful baby. did you have a good nap? Daddy loves you very much. Lets go wake mommy up." Zak said thinking he was slick. "Mommy's up already." Zak said walking down the stairs "I have been up since you started talking to Miya." I said, He smiled  and gave me a hug and kissed "Babe." "yeah" I know with all the comotion with the twins and al but when are we going to get married. I asked he looked at me wierd. He came ovet to me. "Honey i know you want to have the wedding but I think we should wait a  little longer until the kids get older." he said nicley "okay, whatever you think is best." I said soon after Mason started to wake up.

For the first time we went out to eat as a family. Zak wasnt  fund of the idea but I wanted to get out of the house. Mason started to fuse alot Zak started  to get really mad so we went home. "Whats wrong hun. you havent spoke the whole way home." I didnt say anything until I was done with the kids. "Did you really need to throw a fit like that?  I know you didnt want togo but you didnt have to be such an asshole the way you did." I told him "Just becuase you dont get what you want you dont have to be rude to me.  Just because  the wedding is isnt for awhile you dont have to be a bitch." I walked over to him slapped him in the face and  said "You can sleep on the couch and think about what you just said to me." and walked up stairs. I cant believe he said that to me. He should be ashamed of what he did.  I said to my self. I cant sleep without my cuddle buddy so I just laid there. It was around 2:30  in the morning. I heard footsteps come up the steps. It must be Zak coming to use the upstairs bathroom. But just incase i pretended to be alseep. I heard the door open slowly "Nikki." "What." I groaned He closed the door and crawled on the bed. "I told you to sleep on the couch." I chuckled I cant stay mad at him. He is to cute. "The couch isnt as comfortable as cuddling with my fiance."  I rolle over "Did you learn your lesson?" I asked like a mother punishing a kid. "Yes I did. I will never ever say that to you again." I laughed cause inbetween every word he kissed me. then we kissed passionatly "The kids  are sleeping, Dads not home for the night. how about some fun? a little make up for what I did." He started to kiss "Maybe this will help." As soon as he started to take my shirt off Miya started to cry "You got to be fucking kidding me." Zak said.  "She's daddy's little girl waking up early. Go get her." I said "I love you and your brother but mommy and I need some time to have fun." I laughed. "When are we going to have some alone time?" Zak asked while changing Miya. Soon after Mason started to cry. "Ugh!" Me and Zak said in unison.

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