Chapter 16: Mary & Nick's Wedding

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         "Mary, What about this color for the table cloths?" I asked  "That don't match the color of the center pieces." she said "What color are the center pieces then?" I asked confused "They are like that color but a little more pink." I looked at it and remember the color of them now. "Oh, yeah. I forgot  let me keep looking."  It took e  little bit but I found the right color. "When are you and Zak getting married?" She asked "I don't know the exact date yet. We are still deciding on that." I explained  "Oh, ok. Have you decided on anything yet?" I looked at her "We only talked about it a couple days ago and we only talked wedding yesterday." I said  It took the whole day to get the things Mary needed for the finishing touches. Now it was time to see her dress one last time before she can take it home and wear it the next day.  "Tomorrow is my wedding day. I get to go do my hair and nails with my best friend and his annoying mother." She said "How is she annoying?" I asked "Because if she doesnt like what I am doing at the moment or doesn't like something in the house, She takes it upon herself and fixes it herself not asking me or Nick. Nick thinks it is ok do that." "Oh wow. If Zak's mom ever did that id flip out." I said  "Yeah im about to but I don't need anything said from Nick." "Yeah I understand."  "I'll see you tomorrow sweetie." I said and we got in our cars and drove home. On my way home I got a text from Zak  "Hey babe, When you get a chance can you meet me at the office have something to show you. Love you." He is so cute. Wonder what its about.  I parked my car and walked up to the door Zak was waiting for me for me there. "What is all this about Zak?" I asked "Come with me and I'll show you." I followed him to his office and saw he was looking things up on the internet already. "Whats all this?" I asked "Well I have two things to show you." He said  "oh, what is it?" I said "Well I have a new place to go and investigate." He said "Really where?" I said excited.We havent investigated anywhere in a while. "Were going to The Island of dolls in Mexico." He said "Whats that? and you hate dolls don't you?"  "Yes I do hate dolls but that's not the point.  its about a man who moved there with his young family even though he knew the dark truth about it. When he moved there there was a little girl who started talking to him.  The man started buying her dolls and selling some of the fruit so he could buy her old dolls. He told his nephew Julian that it was getting harder to please the little girl with the dolls and think she wants him to join him in here watery grave. On the same day that he told Julian about the little girl he came back and saw his  uncle face down in the canal in the same spot the girl was apparently drowned seventy years ago. Today, tourists to the island often speak of the doll’s eyes following them. Others have also reported that the mutilated dolls whisper to them, especially at night. Julian’s ghost is also said to remain on the island, as well as the young girls." He explained "Wow, sounds like a good place to investigate." I said "Ok, Lets plan it." "Well it has to be when Mary and Nick come back from there honeymoon which is in two weeks. So how about  Monday, the 3rd?" I said  "Ok, its set now the other thing I want to show you?" "Whats that?" I said  "Look at this." I looked at the computer screen and I saw places to go on our honeymoon. "What ones were you really interested in?"  I asked "Well there is one in Hawaii that looked pretty nice." He suggest  "let me see." It was the Koa Kea hotel and Resort and looked beautiful. "That's Beautiful Babe." I said "What about this one two?"  It was in Greece. Overlooking the Caldera it was also beautiful. "They are both beautiful sweetie." I said to him "Well what one would you like you liked to go to?" He asked  "I don't know Zak. They are both Beautiful places to go to."  "Well when you figure it out let me know." "Ok, I'm going to go get the twins from your mom and then get Brook from Aaron." "alright." we kissed and I headed out. My phone kept beeping and buzzing for texted and emails. When I got to Zak's moms house I checked my phone I had 4 emails for honeymoons, 5 messages from Zak and 10 messages from Mary for her wedding tomorrow. I quickly answered them all and then went to get the twins.  When I was done there I went to get Brook at Aarons. "Hey Nicole." "Hey is Brook ready?" I asked in hurry "I was wondering if I could keep her one more night?"  "I have to get her ready for Mary's wedding tomorrow. I have a beautiful dress and headband to wear while were walking down the isle." I explained to him "What time does she have to be ready?" He asked "Around 12 I would need her home." I said "Ok I will have her home at that time." "You better." I said and walked out.  Mary kept blowing up my phone. "What time will you be at my house tomorrow?" "We are getting our hair and nails done around 11." "Why are you ignoring?" "Nicole are you getting any of my messages?" So I called her "Hello." she answered "hey Mary sorry I didn't answer your messages I was talking to Aaron about Brook." "Its okay, So tomorrow we are getting our hair and nails done around 11." "I read the messages and it seems like you have everything organized." "Yeah, I do. Well at least I am trying to keep it all together."  "Well that's good, I am here to help you with things to so it doesn't all have to pile up on your plate." "I know and thank you for that. I will see you tomorrow." "OK see you tomorrow." I pulled up into the drive way and Zak had flowers in his hands. He is so sweet. "Whats the flowers for?" I asked "My beautiful Fiance." I blushed a little. "Did you pick a place yet?" thought for a moment "I'd like to go to Hawaii." I said "Then that is were we are going."  "Yay!!"you  I said "After Mary and Nick's wedding and The investigation we will start planning our wedding."  "We walked inside and I started to make dinner. "Were is Brook?" Zak asked "I let Aaron keep her again and told him that she had to be here around 1. So if I'm not back in time you have to be here to get her." I explained "Were are you going to be?" he asked "I am getting my hair and nails done for the wedding and there is three of us so it might take longer." I explained "Oh alright."  I finished making dinner and set the table. "How was your day at school guys?" Zak asked them  "School." answered Mason "It was great. I have some friends now and they are really nice." Miya said and started going on with her. Mason just played with his food and didnt eat. "Whats the matter mason?" I asked " you havent eaten any of your dinner." I said "Nothing, Im not hungary right now." He said "Are you sure?" Zak asked "Yes now leave me alone." He said  We finished dinner well the three of us did mason didnt touch anything on his plate. I didnt give the kids there bath tonight because they were going to get on tomorrow before the wedding. I put them to bed and I went downstairs to clean like usual.  "Babe." Zak called from upstairs  "Yeah." "Why dont you come upstairs now." He said  "Im cleaning up the kids toys and dinner." "Cant that wait till tomorrow?"  He asked all sad "I think it could." I locked up the house and turned the lights off and went upstairs. "What did you want hun?" I asked walking up the stairs. I didnt know were he was because the hallway was dark. He came from the corner and and grabbed my waist and pulled me close.  "I want you." He said "You already have me silly." "Not like that." he said "Oh." I said and giggled.

                                                         Morning of Mary's wedding
        It was 8 in the morning and I heard my phone buzz on the night stand. I couldn't get up cuz Zak had me a death grip cuddle. I started swarming and he felt it and got up. I looked at my phone and it was Mary. "OMFG!!! I'm getting married today!!!! I'll be at your house in a little while to see you." Wow just imagine what ill be like on my wedding. "I know I cant believe it either... Not in a bad way... See you in a little while Bride." I replied.  "I have to go down stairs and clean thanks to you" I said to Zak "But you liked what happened instead of cleaning." He said with a chuckle. "Ha ha very funny..  but yes I have to admit it was better then cleaning." I went down stairs and straightened up a Little. Fed the kids breakfast and took a shower to get ready to go get my hair and nails done.  I got Miya ready to go with me to get her hair done and a manicure.  "mommy do I have to wear that puffy dress?" I laughed "its not that puffy." "Yeah it is I don't like it." I laughed some more "Keep it up and at mine and Daddy's wedding it will be worse."  She siged really hard. "Are we there yet?" she asked tired "Yes we are here, Just waiting for your Aunt Mary." She jumped up from here seat "I get to see aunt Mary today?" I laughed "Yes now sit down please."  "Finally she is here." Miya raced out of her car seat she Loves her Aunt Mary. "Hey." Mary said as Miya ran over to her. "Ready to get your hair and nails done sweetie?" "Yeah, were is Annabelle ?" "She is home, I did her nails already and her hair already curls so she didn't need to come." "Oh ok." Miya said all sad.  It took us till 1:30 to get everything done.  Mary followed me to my house so I could get Brook and Make sure the boys were getting ready. I drove up to the drive way and  ran to get Brook real quick. "Zak were is Brook?" I asked him concerned. "Aaron didnt come yet." he said. I called Aaron "Hello." he answered "Were is Brook?" I asked him "She is right here playing why?" He said casually like he didn't know what was going on. "You were suppost to be here by one with her. Its the only reason I said she could stay with you one more night."  I said angry at him. "Oh no, I am so sorry... I'll be there shortly." "Well hurry up I have to leave and get Mary ready."  It took 20 minute but he finally came. "Took you long enough." I said livid. I went upstairs to get mine and Brooks dress and ran out the door and hurried out  to the church to get Mary and everyone ready.

                                        The Wedding

        Mary looked so beauiful in her dress and hair curled. She glowed after we were finished and she looked in the mirror. She teared up a little bit "Bitch quit your crying." I said trying to make her laugh It worked. "Okay ill try, no promises when I walk down the isle." I laughed "No promises for me to.. but they will be happy tears." "Yes, I have something to tell everyone something at the end of the wedding." I looked at her courious "What is it?"  I asked "You will find out when everyone else does." "Fine." I said grumpy "Time to walk down the isle to your man." Someone said peaking through the door. I grabbed Brook from her walker toy and walked Mary down to the door to her dad. I kissed her on the cheek and got in my place. Annebelle there little 3 year old was the flower girl and there boy Peyton is the ring bear both so cute in there tux and dress. I walked down with Zak then the flower girl next the ring bear and lastly the beautiful bride.  Nick and Mary were so cute together. The wedding is beautiful and the recetion hall was very pretty to. I wonder what Mary has to say at the reception to everyone? When the wedding was over the people in the wedding took a trip to the reception in the limo the rest that were going took there cars. Everyone had fun dancing and playing games. Mary and Nick had planned to go to Italy for there honeymoon. It was a little bit into the reception when Mary had something to say "Thank you everyone for comeing today. Nick and I have something to tell everyone." That got everyone's attentention and they looked at her. "Well you guys know we have a handsome little boy Peyton and a beautiful girl Annabelle. We are expecting another little boy or girl to come into the family. So I want to see what everyone thinks I'm going to have." everyone went up to Mary and Nick and they talked about it. When everyone left I walked up and joked with her "Wouldn't it be nice to have both another girl and boy and have twins." I said and laughed. They both had serious looks on their faces "Why the long faces?" I asked "Your the only one to get it right. Yes I kept it from you for 5 1/2 months. that's why my dress was altered again also." I had the biggest smile on my face "Your having twins?" I said excited "Yes, We don't know the exact sex of them though." Wow I'm shocked that they are having twins. "Well good luck with them. and oh when you get back be ready to leave to investigate at the Island of dolls in Mexico." Zak said and they walked off to get in the limo to catch there plane to Italy.

Forever & Always <3Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora