Chapter 1

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Dan awoke to a light tap on his shoulder. He put his crown straight on his head and turned to face the person who had tapped him.

"What?" Dan grumbled sleepily. He hated being suddenly awoken. His advisor, Peter John (PJ or Peej for short), met his eyes. PJ pointed over Dan's shoulder. Dan turned his head to see his father's plump face, red with fury.

"Daniel, please pay attention. This is very important for your future!" Dan remembered where he was. He was in the throne room in front of long lines of princesses, one of which was supposed to be his bride. Oh God. Dan wanted nothing more than to rule his kingdom one day, but he didn't want to do it with a queen. Especially a prissy one who only liked him for his title. Dan wanted to rule side by side with another king. What a useless fucking pipe dream. His father would never accept him. His head was too far up his ass to see that his own son just might not want a bride. He would want a groom. Urgh it was just so frustrating. Dan just wanted to let the cat out of the bag and tell him but he wanted to rule with a king. More than anything. It was a tricky situation.

"Daniel are you listening to me?" Shit.

"Yes sorry father. I didn't sleep very well last night. I'm finding terribly hard to focus." Dan yawned for emphasis. His father sighed.

"Very well. You may rest. We will begin again tomorrow." His father clapped his hands. "Dismissed! You may come back tomorrow." The plethora of women groaned as they made their way out of the vast hall and Dan sighed. "Peter John, take Dan up to his room and fetch him something to eat." Pj bowed low.

"Yes your Grace." PJ helped Dan out of his throne and lead him up the stairs to his bedroom.

Once inside, Dan sprawled out on his bed while PJ locked the bulky wooden door. No one could walk in on this conversation.

"Do you wanna pull yourself together?"

"Sorry Peej! I'm just getting fed up with lying and pretending I want what my father wants! I just want him to know, I don't care if he doesn't accept me, I just hate lying to him!" Dan stood up and marched across the room to the door. PJ blocked his path.

"You know you can't do that. You've heard him talk about that kingdom with the two queens. He said that they were unworthy to rule and should a get a man to do it for them."

"But that could just mean he's sexist! It doesn't mean he would stop me from ruling."

"In my experience, most ignorant people are ignorant about everything. No offense to your dad, but he doesn't seem like the accepting type." Dan understood and went back to his bed to sit on it. He sighed.

"I'm just fed up of lying you know." PJ came over and put his arms around Dan's shoulders.

"I know." They hugged briefly before PJ stood up and unlocked the door. "You want anything from the kitchen?" Dan shook his head. "Then I'll leave you to rest." PJ opened the door.


"Yes Dan?"


"No problem"


"Phil, Phil teach me everything you learned today about ruling the world!" Phil laughed at the 9-year-old's nonsense talk but played along all the same.

"I'm not gonna rule the world but I can tell you how to rule our kingdom!" Harry's eyes lit up at the prospect. Phil smiled at his excitement and began to talk about everything he had learnt in his lessons. Although he knew that it was making his little brother happy, Phil couldn't help but feel a form of guilt. He was turning 18 this year and therefore will be eligible to rule. But Phil didn't want to rule. His father, the king, had accepted the fact that he was gay and let him rule without a queen. But he only wanted to rule with a king. Or not at all. But that was the one thing that his dad could not accept is the fact that Phil did not want to lead a kingdom. It wasn't his thing. He could live with ruling with someone but not by himself. Phil struggled with public speaking and hated the idea of everyone expecting the best from him just because he was king. Phil didn't feel ready and he thought that he would never be ready. He would happily hand the job over to Harry because he wanted to rule and it excited him. Phil was terrified of ruling. He had asked his father time and time again to just wait until Harry was old enough because he would be a good leader. He asked him everyday. But everyday the answer was no. It wasn't fair. He didn't want to take away this dream from his brother. The only way he was able to give the throne to Harry if he just died. Maybe that would be better for everyone.

"Phil? Phil?!" Phil snapped out of his daze to see Harry waving his arms like a mad man. "You spaced out just then. Are you ok?" Phil smiled to reassure him.

"Yeah I'm fine. Where were we?"

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