Chapter 4

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In the throne room, the kings were still arguing. They had forgotten the initial reason for the shouting-match and the conference had turned into bickering that never ceased. They didn't even notice their sons walk into the room and stop at the head of the small table that had been set out.

"Erm? Your majesty? Dad?", Dan said, a weak attempt at getting their attention. He was ignored and Phil got annoyed. No one should ignore Dan. Not ever. Phil slammed his hands on the table, ignored the sting, and yelled,

"Shut it!" The kings were silenced and they stared at their sons. Phil continued. "Considering this meeting is to decide the future of our kingdoms and me and Dan are the future rulers, we have taken this matter into our own hands." Dan carried on from Phil's point.

"Yes. We left to discuss the terms in a quieter room where two supposedly civilised leaders were arguing to no end!" The leaders in question looked sheepish. Dan sighed and Phil spoke again.

"We will join forces and be the strongest alliance the land has ever seen. We will not only be strong fighters in wars but also for tolerance. A kingdom without tolerance is destined to fail. You both know this but you refuse to accept it." Dan smirked behind Phil's back, amused by Phil's forwardness. Phil turned to Dan's father. "My sexuality not only does not concern you but it doesn't define my strength and character. I am just like you, the only difference being my romantic preference. I am capable of everything you are capable of. Got it?"

The King of the Wolves was shocked, jaw practically on the floor. Dan took the opportunity to fill the silence. "Father you do not know if your disrespectful words are affecting people around you. If I was gay, would you say all those horrible things?" The king shook his head, seemingly unaware of the line Dan nearly crossed.

Dan asked Phil if he was ok with talking to his dad about the things he just told him. Phil nodded, half trusting Dan, half glad to not do it himself. "Your majesty, same goes for you. You do not know if your actions are affecting your loved ones. Yes you accepted Phil's sexuality, good for you, you're doing what is expected of a parent. But not letting him rule how he wants? It's his life and his reign. I think it's unfair that you would take that choice away from him just to protect yourself."

Phil was taken aback by Dan's statement. They had just met that day but he knew exactly what was in his mind. Every word was exactly the conversation Phil had wanted to have with his father for years. He was so far gone now God. Dan's father spoke.

"Let us put aside our differences now," he said, putting out his hand for the other king to shake. "Let is take after our sons and make this alliance a strong one." The King of Lions shook his hand with vigour.

"I agree. And boys," he turned to the princes. "We will try our best to change. Please do not be afraid to advise us. We may be kings but we do not know the best about everything. You both have pointed this out to us." Good answer, Dan thought. The four all shook hands and Dan's father suggested the Lion royalty stay for a few days.

"To organise the skeleton of this alliance. It would be better to do this in person." he said. He had a point. They left the throne room, Dan and PJ led to foreign family to their rooms then Dan went to his room, thinking of Phil.


Phil was relaxing on the exponentially comfy bed when his father walked into the room. They greeted each other while he walked over to the bed to sit on it. He had a mischievous look on his face. Oh dear, Phil thought as he sat up, preparing to be embarrassed to high heaven.

"What do you think of Dan?" Called it. Phil said he was a good person and that he liked him. "Like him? In what way Phil?"

"Dad!" , Phil groaned as his father laughed.

"I'm right though aren't I? I see the way you look at him." Phil sighed.

"Is it that obvious?"

"A little. You might want to take it down a notch." Phil opened his mouth to speak again but his father interrupted him. "Don't worry. I won't tell him or anyone else. I swear on my crown." Thank God. The mood turned to serious when he said.

"I'm really sorry I made you feel that way. It was selfish of me to be a king before a father." Phil looked at his lap, silent. "I've wanted to say something for a while you know. I've seen the state of your wrists out of the corner of my eye. It made me want to talk to you about it but I always thought you would come to me about it first. I know why you didn't now." Phil looked up and smiled sadly. His father took his son's hand. "Please tell me if I'm doing anything to make you want to do things like that again. I hate to see you hurt, even more so if I'm the cause." Phil nodded. "I love you Phil." he said as he stood up to leave.

"I love you too Dad."


"Do you want to explain yourself?" Dan's  father had barged into his room and began an impromptu lecture.

"Explain what? All I did was speak my mind.", Dan said, annoyed. "I don't have to explain anything to you."

"Watch your tone! I am your king!" Dan shot up and marched over to his father to stare down at the stout man.

"You are also my father! This choice is not a harmful choice. If anything it will better our kingdom for years to come. Why are you so upset about that?"

"I'm not upset about that!", he fired back, "I'm upset about you saying you were gay! I cannot have that!" Dan was surprised.

"I didn't! And I'm not! It was a hypothetical situation to get you to think! You don't need to be angry at me for something like that anyway!" Dan hated lying but, if this alliance was to work, he had to keep it a secret. Just until he was on the throne. He could test the waters at least. "Why would it be a bad thing?"

"Because homosexuals are disgusting mutations of humanity. They are unnatural."

"Then I suggest you do your research." His father looked confused. "They have been around since the dawn of time, all the books say so. I read them to learn about their history so I can be the best king for people of all characters. You should do it too." There was a moment of silence. It felt like centuries to Dan.

"Find those books for me but I doubt my opinion will change." It was a start.

"Of course. We can go get them now."

"Yes that would be good. And Dan?"


"I'm proud of you. For taking initiative. You're right you know. It is your future but I hope you will accept my help in planning it." Dan smiles and nodded then walked with is father to the library. I hope this works, he thought, because what's the point in a king who can't even convince his own father that he's wrong?

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