Night 2

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Let's play a game.

Because our comeback is just around the corner, let's guess the name of LYS ANSWER title track.

My guess: Free Me

(LOL just how I feel atm)

Whoever guesses it right, I'll do something.

It has to be before track list comes out (obviously)

[half edited]

"Florence Mental Health Institution is located 45 minutes away from here.
Should we take a bus or a taxi?" Taehyung questioned as he scrolled on his phone.

"I actually have a car we can use." Jungkook answered in a yawn. He had an hour long nap while the other researched where the institution was located.

"You can drive?"

"Got my license a year ago."

"Oh, well great. We can get going now then."
The older stood up from the couch and took his keys.


"What is it?"

"What happened last night. I mean, why did I run out?" Jungkook questioned.

Taehyung gulped, thinking for a few seconds until he thought of an excuse.
"You went out to get milk. Because we ran out when we were making hot chocolate." He lied.

"Oh really? Well, I didn't know we were making hot chocolate. I thought I didn't have cocoa powder—"

"I bought it." Taehyung cut in. "Now let's hurry. We might get caught in traffic."


After around 50 minutes of driving, the two drove into a remote area where there were only trees and a single road.

"We should be arriving in 130 meters." Taehyung looked on his google maps.

"I know where we're going don't worry." The younger replied, his eyes on the road.

When they had finally arrived at the gates of the institution, Taehyungs stomach suddenly churned. The aura this place gave out wasn't as pleasant as he had thought.

It was sinister and gloomy. No one was outside and the plants that were planted in the garden seemed lifeless.

 No one was outside and the plants that were planted in the garden seemed lifeless

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"Are you sure this is the right place?"

"Yea, it's usually like this." Jungkook sighed, sounding disappointed.
"But the inside is really nice though."

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