~First Day Of School~

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°·Tom's Pov·°
I heard my old school alarm wake me up. My eyes burst open wide and then focused into vision. I sighed as I realized that it was my first year of being a Junior. I wasn't ready at all.. I'm not that type of kid who loves being at home and hates school.

I hate both just the same. Although if I had to choose, I'd choose to die. My parents don't really care about me. They buy me what I want or need, but they only do that so they won't end up in jail. Because God knows my dad wants to shoot me. My parents also don't support me.

They think I'm girly because I'm into aesthetic and I'm Gay. I haven't told anyone at school. I mean, why would I? I don't have any friends at school.. They always harass me because I'm skinny and sensitive. The girls don't bother me it's just the men. Tord in general. Tord a little taller than me, not by much but he could beat someone's ass even at his hight.

And that someone is me. He loves to pick on me and make me miserble. Ever since sophmore year. Although here's the worst part..

I'm in love with him.. And I can't help it. He's not too tall, not too short, not too muscular, not to skinny. Just perfect. I've also heard he has a Daddy kink. Sorry, getting ahead of myself..

~Time skip to school~
I rested my head on the palm of my hand trying to stay focused on school. I turned to my left to see Tord staring at me with a face expression "I want to beat you up~" Although, it looked like he had lust in his eyes. I looked away and slightly blushed. Was he trying to flirt with me!?

Maybe I was day dreaming.. I heard the teacher yell "Dismissed!" I got pretty excited because it was lunch. Since I didn't eat breakfast, I was sure to eat my whole lunch. As I walked through the hallway I got pushed into a locker. I groaned as my head started to pound in pain. I looked up to see Tord smirking and me with his arm on the locker.

I blushed and he leaned closer to me. "Heh, have you forgot?" Tord questioned in a deep muscular voice. I then realized I forgot to give him his lunch money.. I tried to slide away but he grabbed my hoodie strings close to his mouth. "T-Tord I'm sorry.." I whispered my voice shaky.

Tord chuckled at my response. I just stood there looking at him. "You're so funny Thomas~" Tord said with a bit of lust in his voice. "You see, sorry isn't good enough for me." I started to get panicked. What was he going to do with me!? He pulled closer to. Our bottom lips touched but it wasn't a full kiss.

"You're so cute when you're mad."

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