×Running Back×

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×Tord's Pov×
I woke up to find myself laying on the sofa with only a short and my boxers. I looked in my hand to see a bottle of  smirnoff. phew only one bottle! I then got up and looked on the floor. There where 3 of more bottle laying on the carpet, one of them were dripping onto the rug. I groan as my head pounded.

×Tom's Pov×
Fuck. I'm having regrets about last night. I didn't mean to be so harsh but I guess it slipped. It was still my fault.. What if Tord killed himself, or started cutting!? I needed to apologize. I know I don't want to in case of awkwardness, but I need too. I got a bush off the bathroom sink and started fixing my hair. Finally, I have up and threw on my hoodie.

*Time skip*

I knocked on Tord's front door making my knuckles turn red. I then began knocking louder. Until I heard footsteps heading to the door. The locked quickly moved back and forth until it clicked and creaked open. Tord was standing there rubbing his eyes. He then looked down to see me. He gasped and stumbled back a bit surprised if my arrival.

"Tom, what are you doing here..?" Tord weakly mumbled. "To apologize for what happened last night, I was being retarded and didn't think about what I was saying." I replied feeling the guilt rush up my throat. Tord blinked in response. He then started to release his feelings and started to cry. "Tom, I'm sorry. I shouldn't had put so much pressure on you."

Tord then wrapped his arms around my waist and smashed his lips on me. I he then pulled away for air. Wait, we French kissed!? I then kissed him on the lips a bit softer. "Hey Tom, want to go cuddle in the room again?" I chuckled.

"Of course Tord."

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