(67)the hard truth

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Jungkook POV

"But first, jungkookie. We should talk for a minute." I motion towards the upstairs, leading towards my room.

When we got to my room, he plopped down on the bed and smiled at me. Naturally, my boxy smile showed my happiness.

"So," Jungkook tapped his fingers, "what did you need to talk about?"

I nodded and sat down next to him. I picked up his hand, intertwining our fingers.

"Seokjin told me some interesting news today, and I wanted to get to the bottom of it before tomorrow," I trailed off, "which is when it's happening. Tomorrow. Tuesday."

"Ok, cool. Is it the math you missed or...."

I sighed. This wasn't going to be an easy talk. At least it's not like I'm breaking up with him. I love him, so we need to talk.

"Seokjin said that your old pal from high school is transferring to our school. It's... Na Minsoo." His eyes went into those like a sad, lost puppy. It's like he lost all hope in less than a minute.

"I understand, from what I heard, that he was—allegedly— in a gang at your school. They were called...?" I looked to Jungkook for a name.

"The Bullet Cards."

I nodded, patting Jungkook's back. I felt terrible, bringing up his bad past. But I know how it feels, and trust me, I would have liked to know what was coming.

"Right... the bullet cards." I pulled Jungkook in, so his head was resting in my lap. "Thankfully, only the leader is transferring. Not the whole gang. Heard he got expelled for busting all the water fountains in the school. Strange."

I giggled, reassuring Jungkook that he was safe with me. His face lit up a faint smile, hinting that he doesn't mind my help.

"So," I cleared my throat, "I thought that we should stick together. Forever. I'll protect. I'll only leave when our classes are not in the same room. Heck, I'll even transfer to all your classes to ensure you're safe."

He laughed and rubbed my cheek.

I ran my fingers through his lush, Brown hair, but soon to be red.

"Taehyung," His face turned sour and more serious. "You do know, why I was bullied, right?"

I gulped and looked away from Jungkook's chocolate eyes.

Gosh. Why does he look so damn good today.

"They called me a fag, disgusting queer, gay turd, and things much worse than you could ever imagine. Taehyung, I even tried to kill my self of this stupid ass gang." He then did his habit of pressing his tongue against his cheek. "Fuck. I don't want to remember any more. After meeting you, I was able to forget all of that."

I smiled softly, "Jungkook. You know I love you to the fucking sun and back. It's burning hot, full of passion, and, well, hot times."

He smiled and sat up, pulling himself onto my lap. Jungkook's legs snaked around my waist, with his arms also wrapping around my neck.

"Taehyung. You know I love you to fucking Pluto and back. Though I may be cold and distant like Pluto, I never give up even if I lose my name. I will always protect you. Even if you erase me, forget me, and lose me, I'll circle back around to find you. Just like Pluto."

I felt tears well at the bottom of my eyes.

I crashed my lips onto Jungkook's, pulling him into a warm embrace.

The kiss was slow, but full of passion.

That night, we made sure our love was real.


(A/N) yay! I did it! Well, sort of. 597 words. lol

#storytime today I drove to Taco Bell
I just got my permit lmao
I didn't die. I drove up to 34 mph haha


I hope you enjoyed the most recent chapter of when he texts!

Until tomorrow !!

(Signed 8/10/18)

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