Brave New World

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After some time being a detective, Riley had managed to follow into sync with the work flow. She was partnered with Alvin, which was a fitting choice. Having the older cop show the newbie the ropes. To which, it made Riley feel extra pressure to please.

Since Antonio's departure to work for State's Attorney, things have slowly fell back into line. Cases have been coming in and out, arrests being made and criminals facing jail time.

However, given that Kim no longer has a partner, Kevin has been demoted down by Hank to be patrolling. Riley doesn't know the entire story of the situation, she just choices not to get involved.

It was a normal morning at the district, Riley had dropped off the girls at school and began to start on some paperwork she had to finish. At her desk, which use to be Antonio's, she noticed Jay and Erin in the break room. From what her and Will were suspecting, those two were an item but keeping it a secret.

"Morning," Riley hears.

She looks up to see Adam, she gives him a small nod with a smile on her face. Adam sits down at his desk, nearly in a collapse.

"Did you even sleep last night?" Riley asks.

Adam sighs, "Barely," He yawns, "Working a second job with security."

Riley nods.

She knew like Adam, some of the other cops had a second job because working on a cops salary might not pay for everything. Riley lucked out that she has Will under her roof, sure he was still paying for his student loans from med school but it is better than one income. As well as Riley gets a check once a month for Lorelei and Grace.

Jay and Erin came out of the break room, coffee in both of their hands as they went to their desks. Riley glanced at them and then back to her paperwork.

Just then Hank came out of his office. He looked like he just got off the phone with someone. And the news was not something great.

"Sarge?" Adam asks.

Erin stands, "Hank, what's up?"

"We need to get to Chicago Med," Hank said, "Now."

Riley wasted no time, she grabbed her gun to holster it in. She then puts on her jacket and turns to Alvin.

"You drive?" Riley asks.

Alvin nods.

The entire team begins to head out of the building. Both Jay and Riley were more worried than anything, despite not knowing why they need to get to Med.

"What's going on, Voight?" Jay asks.

"There was a bombing." Hank said.


Upon arriving at Chicago Med, Riley could see the panic. The panic from the patients being wheeled out and bystanders nearby. As Riley pushed passed everyone, including her own partner, she tried to find Will.

"Riley," It was April.

Riley turns, "Will- Have you seen him?" She asks.

April shakes her head, "No. Not since the explosion."

Worry cast itself over Riley. She turns her attention to the building. Flames were dying down due to the efforts being done by Chicago's best fire fighters.

One by one, firefighters and paramedics were getting civilians and doctors to safety. Riley found her team approaching Chief Wallace Boden.

"I gotta go," Riley said.

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