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It was a relief when the arrived at destination and when they saw that everything was ready.

Gaul had his throne's room and he waited.

One day, the crystal of his scepter began to shine with an unusual brightness. So he decided to look at it. And what he saw... what he saw turned his into a dark madness.

"WHAT!" he yelled suddenly, scaring all the Apes around him.

He began to laugh. Harder and harder. Like a maniac. As a maniac.

"No... This can't be happening... No! Ah ah ah! Ah!"

A dark fog began to surrounding him and his eye shine with a terrifying green light.

"My King...?"


And he continued to laugh. To laugh or to cry.

"CYNDER BETRAYED US! She is alive... but she is with them! Them!"

"What? Cynder is alive?"

"She betrayed us?"

"She is with the Purple?"

"Prepare my armor!" he ordered, with a touch of great pride inside of him. "I know what I have to do!"

"Gaul! Gaul! Gaul! Gaul! Gaul!" yelled an assembly of spectators into the throne's room, a purple beam at the middle.

And Gaul made a stepp foreward, all armored. He made a sign with his hand but, because it didn't worked, he ordered loudly:


And the silence came.

"Even n..."

A crash went from next to him. He looked at this direction, angry, to see one Ape in the middle of a weapon's mess on the ground.

"Sorry..." he said, his hand behind his back, a bit ashamed of what happened.

Gaul groaned but continued:

"Even now, our ennemies prepare to defend the Temple."

The Apes acclamations started again. Gaul putted in evidence his scepter and something like a smoke screen appeared in the beam. The cristal was now shinning more and more.

"Look... Looooook!" said Gaul, deeply. "Look!"

On the screen appeared the image of Spyro and Cynder, training inside the cercle at the training room. Spyro was a bit in difficulties with his fire element. But, when he succeed, everone could see a giant form appearing next to them. And the maniac's laugh. They recognized their King.

"Cynder..." he said, a giant gleam of madness against her after what he discovered.

But Spyro was on his way. His two swords out, he tried to brutally plant him! But this one dodged! He had enough space to be in front of the dark Dragoness, afraid. This time, you will be punished, my dear. At that right moment, he wanted to kill her, forgetting the past, forgetting the love he had for her as a father. He had only one objective: murdering her.

"Cynder! End it! Make him go away!" yelled Spyro before going right in front of the King!

He tried to use his element... but nothing came.

"Oh no, not again..." he added.

Gaul laughed again and punched him, making him fly through the other side of the room! Then, he turned back to the Dragonness and, with a terrifying anger in his voice:


"Do something!" yelled a strange voice behind. "We're running out of time!"

He tried to slash her with one hit but she rolled and dodged! With madness, he made another one that resonated on the ground with a big clink! The power he made in this one was filled with great strength and it created so sort of wind that blew Cynder on the wall! She began to took back her minds and Gaul put his two swords high in the air, ready to finish all of that, pure madness into his eyes. A laugh almost came...

And a strange sound and light was created, behind him. He looked back to see Spyro, a bright and powerful purple aura around him. He got up in air, almost levitating, and rushed into Gaul to hit him four time violently in the face! A bit of blood came out of the King's mouth as he disapeared, surprised by how powerful the Purple Dragon was at this age...

The screen disapeared and all the Apes were shocked by what they saw.

Then, Gaul came back to them, agitating his head to taking back his minds after what happened. And whe he realised, pride and anger combined themselves inside of him and he declared:

"We must attack the Temple. The Great Gaul must not fail!"

So went in front of him a heavy-masked Ape, with his Dreadwing next to him, two shiny red eyes brighting in the slot of his armor. The acclamations went. And he declared, with his inaudible voice (because of the helmet he was wearing):

"The Masked Assassin never fails!"

So he looked him during the entire mission. He kind of facepalmed when he saw the incomprehension of his troops. And rage just... well, raged inside of him when he saw that he flied away after being hit by a single Electric shot from Spyro. He gave him a second chance when he came back to the Well of Soul but, if he failed him once again, after how miserable he looked, he assured him that it won't be Spyro but him who will assassinate him.

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