Chapter 6

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You changed to your usual outfit, grabbed a grocery list you made yesterday, and your samurai sword just in case. As you were heading down stairs, a large massive creature came smashing through the walls. It crashed on the left rooms were the checkouts would be (as if there was any). The creature looked knocked out pretty badly. Wonder what knocked the shit out of it?! The injuries seemed to indicate a punch of some kind. Impossible! Whoever did this must've been a strong built buffed man.

Whatever the case may be, you were short on food and a massive sale was going on at the grocery store nearby so you hurried there. As you got there, a herd of people were there grabbing items that were listed to be cheap. You managed to get 3 milk bottles, ramen packages, small snacks, some fruits and vegetables. All you needed was a carton of a dozen eggs. But all the eggs were sold out. Crap! What seemed to be all hope was lost, a what seemed to be an abandoned basket there was the carton of eggs!

You looked everywhere to see if it belonged to anyone, hm.... nothing. As you reached for the carton of eggs, a metallic hand grabbed your arm before you can.

You looked up to see a blonde boy in his late teens who seemed to have robotic features. Such as his robotic arms and neck. But one thing that stand out was his yellow iris with his black pitched sclera. His expression was scary to say the least, it made you gulped but you still kept a straight face.

"What do you think you are doing, touching my master's groceries?" He said in a serious voice.


"Look this basket looked abandoned so I thought 'might as well take what I can get!'" You replied.

"Hey Genos! What happened?" A voice said. You looked behind the blonde boy presumed to be 'Genos', there was a bald man with a oppai sweater walking towards us.

"Master! This thief was trying to steal your groceries you worked hard to get!" Genos explained. The bald man looked over him and saw you still being held by the arm by Genos.

"Ah! Is that you Y/N?" The bald man said happily. You and Genos were confused on what he said. "M-master, do you know this woman?" Genos said.

"Hah yeah. Though it was a long time ago." He said. You were still confused until it caught on you who this man was.

"S-SAITAMA?!" You said out loud. Luckily there wasn't much people on the aisle to hear your yell. It really was a long time ago you two met.


It was a cold quite night at the subway. It was only you and a tired man in a business suit sitting in the train. You didn't talk to him until the silence got annoying. You changed your seat and sat a little closer to him. This got more awkward than it is.

"So uh... what's your business?" You said trying to at least have a decent conversation.

"I don't work for any businesses. I'm unemployed." He replied. Well shit.

"Oh,.... bummer dude" you said. "I'm sure you'll find a job at this city, considering what it's known for."

"Hm, you think so?" He said.

"Yeah, i believe in ya."
Suddenly the train abruptly stopped, and both of you fell on the floor hard. "What the hell?!"

The man got up and helped you up. Then a monster broke through the doors of the caboose that you and the man were in.

"Fu fu fu, tasty humans, which one shall I eat first, hmmm maybe that pretty girl~" the monster said. The man suddenly went afront of you, "You have to go through me" he said.

"What are you crazy?! You can't defeat this monster!" You said, trying to talk into some damn sense into him. He didn't say anything.

"Gehehe you must be suicidal if you want to fight me, no matter I'll kill you swiftly." The monster then gave a blow and the man was thrown out of the train. It caught you off guard as you were heading towards the exit the monster pinned you against the wall. You tried to reach for your sword but to no avail.

"What a hero he was, don't ya think? Now-" the monster was then chocking and let go of you. You saw the man all bloodied and bruised from the impact of the attack chocking the monster with his tie. You didn't hesitate and took out your sword and pierced the monsters heart. The monster poured a fountain of blood and you got your sword out of the creatures disgusting body.

"Wicked sword." The man said. "Oh uh thanks? Shouldn't you be more concerned with your wounds?" You said, you got your medical kit from your backpack. You put some bandages on him and cleaned his face.

"You are so luckily to not have any critical injuries!" you said stubbornly. "Why did you save me back there? I'm just a rando who you just met on the train."

"Well, I guess I was tired of looking for job after job. As a kid I wanted to be a hero like the ones in TV, so I thought maybe this chance, this opportunity, I could achieve something that hasn't been done before." He said. You had to admit that it was a stupid reason but then again it was once your dream to become a hero too.

"By the way my name is Saitama, yours?" Saitama said. You sighed and smiled "Y/N"


Author-chan has awoketh >:D

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2018 ⏰

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