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4th august, 11.49 pm

Hay Diary!

Sorry, I don't really want to be like this, but I don't know how to start this kind of shit. I'm here for 2 days now and it is as boring as I expected.

'Til now we have only been sailing. I still don't get how it works, but you know what? I don't want to get it because I never wanted to sail. And I will never do it again in my entire life.

We are not even allowed to smoke and drink and have fun together. But there is a boy that always smokes at night. He seems to be the only nice person 'round here, but I'm afraid to talk to him.

His name is Dean, he's 17 and the only one (with me) that is not kind of a rich kid. Oh, it's time for him to climb out of the window and sit on the canopy. Maybe I can climp outside first and when he gets outside we'll start a conversation.

5th August, 1.12 am

Yes, it came to a conversation. We talked a bit about us but were going into silence after some time. We literally sat there smoking and listening to the music he brought. It was the most calmed moment I have had for some time. He promised to buy new cigarettes and meet me again next night.

I remembered sitting on a roof with a brown-haired young man staring at the stars. I was hoping that other memories would come back, even though it was a terrible time back then. I was pretty addicted to drugs. However, I had completed with this time, which is probably the reason why the camp was forgotten.

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