1 - Moving

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Caroline Forbes left Mystic Falls at the age of 10 to go and live with her father in which she attended the boarding school there while her brother Daniel lived with her mother in Mystic Falls, a town full of supernatural creatures and disappearances. But on the anniversary of her father's death the boarding school which she attends gets attacked through bombing, guns and knife's leaving millions dead and with her father gone the only thing left is for Caroline to return to the town she once left before. But will the residents in the town keep her in the dark or not?

Chapter one

When Caroline Forbes finally reached her destination – Mystic Falls – she released a huge sigh she really didn't want to come back. When she left when she was ten she thought it would be for good but after her father's death a year ago and a recent attack on her school she was left with no other choice but to come back. This old town now had to become her new life and she didn't know how people would react to her return. She was now eighteen.

The walk from the town's sign to her mother's house felt like forever all the busy streets and all the quiet ones never ended. Caroline decided to text a friend from her school to see how everyone that was injured, including Caroline, was and what the damage done to the school was like they replied: "It looks like something you'd see in a horror film." 'Oh no! That bad?' Caroline thought. All she wanted was to return to the school and help fix it but she wasn't allowed.

When Caroline reached the house her brother was waiting on the doorstep. "Hey Sis! Please tell me you have a key?" Her brother pleaded. "And why don't you have one Daniel?" she snapped. She didn't mean to she was just so mad. "I lost mine." He laughed. "It's not funny!" she sighed. "Have you called mom?" she continued. Her brother laughed to himself "Your joking right?! Like Mom actually comes home from work..." Caroline saw that her brother was wearing a ring on his right thumb. "Cool ring. Where'd you get it?" he never replied instead she heard a car pull up "Rebekah!" Her brother yelled ignoring her and walking past her. 'Great! Haven't seen his sister in eight years and i get pep talk while some girl gets a hug?' Caroline thought with a hint of anger in her head.

Minutes later she was introduced to his girlfriend and her Brother. Rebekah laughed "Oh Caroline this is my brother Nik." She smiled. "Nik why don't you keep Daniel's sister Caroline company?" she said looking up at him. "Its fine i can amuse myself" Caroline murmured under her breath hoping they wouldn't hear there was something about the brother of Rebekah's that she found friendly although he didn't look that was he looked a little mysterious or maybe even dangerous. Caroline had seen how all these moves ended, but this wasn't a movie this was her reality. Nik smiled down at caroline, she rolled her eyes and headed up the stairs onto the porch there was a plant pot that when she was younger her mother would hid a key underneath it she and Daniel both knew that so why didn't he remember it was important, unless there was something more important on his mind...

"Are you coming?" she yelled to the man who was still stood in the exact same place while my brother and his girlfriend were chatting and laughing. He looked towards me and slowly walked towards me and up the stairs till he was just a few feet in front of me. 'God he was hot' i turned to unlock the front door and pulled my suitcase in the house "Common in i called." While having a look around "So... how come I've never heard of you? I mean Daniel's never mentioned you before..." Nik finally said "i went to live with my father not long after my parents got divorced. Me and my brother were quite close as children but you grow up and drift apart and start fighting so i guess he just never mentioned it. When i went to live with my father it was like a new life for me and never looked back on this one cause i didn't think i would ever come back unless my mother asked me to but she doesn't even know I'm here ..." she answered but trailed off when i reached the living room and saw all the photographs of herself, Daniel and their mother. "I hope you don't mind me asking... but how long have you been gone?" Nik asked again he was curious just as Caroline was curious about him. "It's fine i don't mind, it's nice talking to you." I smiled at him "It's been about eight years." I gulped and looked at his feet. "Eight year?! Wow Caroline that's a while isn't it?" he seemed shocked. 'Oh i love the way he says my name' she thought "Yeah it is." I bit my lip and looked up at him.

Just then i heard the door could it be my mother? No it couldn't she was at work why would she be home at this time? It's only 3pm. "Mom?" i called "Caroline?" her voice called back sounding a tad bit shocked. When she came into the living room, in her work uniform (she was the sheriff of the town), she ran to hug me almost knocking me off my feet. "Oh! Ow" she let out a little yelp. she'd forgotten she was injured, she got shot in the back just below her right shoulder that was still healing while the gash on her left leg that had, had glass in it had almost healed it just had a healthy scab on it. "Oh I'm sorry honey! Are you okay?" she sounded worried. "Yeah I'm fine. Just my shoulder still hurts a little but it'll be fine. I Promise" Caroline smiled at her to assure her mother that she was telling the truth. She smiled back at me then looked over my shoulder and saw Nik and looked worried "What are you doing here?" she said through her teeth. "Your son left with my sister so I kindly asked if your daughter would like company." Nik said in his own defence. "Yeah it's nice that someone would be kind enough to stay. " Caroline smiled at the sound of his voice. She had a bad feeling that there were secrets in this town and ones that she wanted to find out whether they were good or bad. "Well you can leave now. I'd like to catch up with my daughter." Her mother said rubbing her daughter's shoulder gently. "No mom, I'd like him to stay, if that's okay?" Caroline wanted to get to know the mysterious man that went by the name of Nik.

"Caroline its fine we can talk another time." Nik said as he was about to leave. Suddenly the sheriff's phone rang "You know what Klaus stay. I need to go we can catch up later on tonight" she said going from Nik to her daughter and smiling."Okay." Caroline smiled sadly. "Are you okay?" Nik said walking towards her. "Yeah I'm fine." She smiled up at him. "I'd like to go for a walk..." she hinted at him. "Then we'll go for a walk." He chuckled.

So they went for a walk around town until Nik went and sat down on a bench. "What are you doing? It's freezing!" Caroline laughed. "Common sit down." So she sat down. "I feel like I've done all the talking i want to know more about you. I've basically told you my life store here. Please?" She almost begged to him. "My family's a mess." He sighed. "My mother was unfaithful, my father hated me, and so I grabbed my other sibling and ran." He continued. "You have other brothers and sisters?" Caroline asked. "Rebekah's my only sister but i have three brothers." Nik replied. "Can i ask why my mother called you Klaus?" she asked just above a whisper. "My name is Niklaus." He simply replied. 'Wow that's an old name.' Caroline thought. "I know it's an old name you could say i was named after my great grandfather." He murmured. Caroline laughed she couldn't help herself "You're lying!" she eventually managed to say. "Oh yeah? How do you know?" he curiously asked. "I dunno I can just tell when people are lying." She replied. "Then i must warn you. A lot of people in this town are going to lie to you Caroline. Your brother and mother for a start." He said quietly moving a strand of hair out of her face. "Yeah? How do you know?" she asked. "You need to know what you're up against but i don't think you're ready yet..." Nik trailed off. "Oh really? I think i can handle it." She smirked. "Then tell me Caroline do you believe in the supernatural?" Nik asked. "I guess..." she answered anxiously. "What about vampires, werewolves, witches....? They exist and this town is crawling with them." Caroline just looked at him. "I'd promised your mother i wouldn't tell you anything she didn't want you to know anything but-" Nik was cut off "I believe you." Was all Caroline said. "Let's go it's getting dark."

Soon enough Darkness fell as night swallowed the town and world. Caroline allowed Nik into her home and go through her photo albums while Caroline unpacked. "You're friends with Elena Gilbert and Bonnie Bennett?" Nik asked showing Caroline a picture of when the three were younger – they hadn't changed much. "Yeah. They don't know I'm back yet. I don't think why'd you ask?" she turned and smiled at Nik "Do you know your friend Bonnie's a which?" Caroline just looked at the photo.

"I'm sorry." Nik said. "Why are you apologizing?" she sat down and giggled next to him. "For later. When you find out more. You're a very curious person who's unafraid of the unknown." 

The Town's Secret - A Klaroline FanficWhere stories live. Discover now