17 - The Search

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"Hey have any of you heard from Caroline today?" Stefan asked. Elena hadn't, neither had Bonnie and Damon would be the last person she'd call or text. "Me neither, where could she be?" Stefan asked.
"Wait Stefan do you think something happened to her?" Elena grew worried."I don't know. Kelly came to me last night she said Caroline seemed annoyed at her." he explained."well good luck with that brother!" Damon smirked patting his brother on the back then leaving."Damon!" Elena sighed."where could she be?" Bonnie asked.It wasn't like Caroline to just not send any messages."Maybe Liz has heard from her?" Damon suggested walking out the front door and closing it behind him. Stefan grabbed his jacket and headed for the front door. "Stefan! Wait. I'm coming too" Elena called"yeah and me" Bonnie agreed.They all knew she'd be at work but they felt that this was really important."Hey Liz? Can we have a word?" Stefan asked her she was sitting at a desk alone the room was empty."Stefan I'm really busy..." she said placing the back of her hand at the paperwork she had to do."We haven't heard from Caroline today" Elena explained"Guys it's only 11 am. She's probably still sleeping" the mother explained."why don't young round and see?". She suggested.They all left the station Elena and Bonnie both tried to call their friend right after the other and there was no reply."Common Caroline! Pick up!" Bonnie was now worried and she didn't get worried for no reason.They arrived at her house and it was still, clear no one was home. Stefan then tried to phone Caroline again but there was still no answer."Caroline!! Caroline!!" Elena banged on the door as Bonnie's peered through the living room window. They knew she wasn't inside but they went in anyway. They knew that if her mobile was in her room lying on her bed where it always was when she was in then something was wrong.They went straight to the room and Caroline's mobile was lying on her right pillow on her double bed. "Liz? She's not here and her mobile is on her bed, knowing think somethings wrong" Elena left her a voicemail."What are we going to do?" Stefan asked in hope Bonnie would suggest to do a locating spell - which of course - she did. But for some reason she couldn't find her friend."Why isn't it working?" Elena let out an annoying sigh."I don't know Elena! I'm trying my best"Liz rushed into the house and right into her daughter's room. "Who was the last person to see her?" Liz asked with her serious tone."Kelly I think" Stefan said."who's Kelly?" Liz didn't know!"just someone Caroline recently met." Bonnie covered up. She really didn't need to deal with this and find her daughter at the same time."I'm going to go to the station to see if anything's came through." Liz sighed.Her daughter's friends nodded"We need to find Kelly" Elena and Bonnie spoke in time."Where could she be?" Stefan thought he thought someone could've taken her, but who?Stefan found Kelly at the same cafe and the same two seated table he last saw her at he walked in and sat in the chair opposite he, he just stared at her."Um...Hi?" she eventually said when it was clear he wasn't going to say anything."Have you seen Caroline?" he jumped right to the point of why he was sitting in front of her."Not since last night""neither has any of her friends" he said in a flat tone"you were the last one to see her" he accused."No i wasn't, yes I went to go and see her but a guy came and i left" she defended herself."what guy? What did he look like?" Stefan asked the innocent girl."I don't know he had an English accent""You must've seen what he looked like""It was dark! Um I think he blondish/brownish hair?" she was uncertain but heard her sister call a name"I think she called him Nik? I'm not sure. But she looked pleased to see him" she said in an almost begged to leave her alone."plus I don't care. She obviously wants nothing to do with me" Kelly stated the obvious.He stood up "Thank You" he said pleased then left."I think Klaus has her!" Stefan shouted running into his house."What? Are you sure?" Elena asked shocked.She knew he was capable but she never thought he'd actually do it."Kelly said Caroline was pleased to see him so I'm just assuming" Stefan explained what he had heard."And how do you know the little school girl hasn't took her?" Damon said leaning on a wall."Why would Kelly take Caroline? that's stupid" Elena asked"I don't know! Just a suggestion while we're thinking of suspects" Damon replied with a smirk as Elena and Stefan just looked at him he walked away after a couple of minutes."What are we going to do?" Elena worried"I don't know. But he won't hurt her, I hope he wouldn't anyway""But it's Klaus, Stefan. He could be anywhere""I know but I'm sure he'll make contact with Liz sooner or later" he stated.He was right Klaus knew how worried Liz got when she didn't know where one of her children were so he would let her know that her daughter was okay at some point.They all waited for news and but it never came."How are we meant to get in touch with him" Liz asked.She'd went to see Stefan, Elena and Bonnie but none of them had any answers. Bonnie was asked if she could do a locating spell but she couldn't without something that belonged to the person who she was trying to find and somehow she couldn't find Caroline - even with something belonging to her."We're never going to get her back are we?" Elena asked Bonnie "I mean he's not just going to hand Caroline back over" Bonnie just stared at her friend "How can you even say that?!" She was in shock."I'm only saying""yeah well don't"They had to find her and they knew they couldn't let Klaus get away with taking her especially without her phone. None of Caroline's friends cared what happened or what they'd have to do they just wanted their friend back.A few days passed and no one had heard from Klaus or Caroline. No one had been reported missing and no trail of bodies had been left from apparent 'animal attacks' they knew Caroline would probably be okay and that Klaus wouldn't hurt her but they still had no idea where she was she could be anywhere.All of a sudden Liz came running down the street. The four friends were at the local new store it was the only place that kept them up-to-date."There's been a report. Someone's seen a girl matching Caroline's description!" this was the best news the four friends had heard in a while."what? where?" Elena got all excited."New Orleans" The sheriff sighed."why is she there?" Stefan asked.Why was she there? It didn't make any sense."I don't know but i'm going to go and check it out just now I just thought you guys should know" Liz said then heading back to her car."Are we going to go too?" Bonnie asked"I thought you'd never ask" Elena laughed for the first time in ages.This was the only lead they had so obviously they were going to get their hopes up, they missed their friend.They all took to the one car all taking turns driving and sleeping they were all awake when they arrived at their destination. They passed the sign only to be surrounded by people there same with Liz's car. When they eventually found somewhere to park amongst all the people they then had to find the street. Where the anonymous person spotted Caroline. It was difficult enough and adding to the task was all the people ignoring them when asking for directions. They knew New Orleans was a populated place but they didn't imagine it being that amount of people."How are we meant to find Caroline in this crowd?" Elena asked stressed."I'm not leaving without my daughter Elena" Liz snapped it was hard but she wasn't going to give up even if it meant not sleeping she was determined to find Caroline.Over what felt like hours of searching they eventually found where Klaus was staying and he wasn't alone. It turns out Rebekah and Elijah had joined him along with a wolf. It was then wolf that answered the door and no one knew who she was but it was clear she knew who they were. "um...is Caroline here?" Stefan asked the wolf who appeared to be pregnant."Caroline? Oh right the blonde vampire. Yeah she's here" she said moving to the side to let them in. "So where is she?" Elena asked. "Hayley! Who was it?!" They knew who the voice belonged to before even seeing him. Klaus."Ah I see you've came for Caroline" he teased."where is she?" Liz asked you could tell she was getting impatient. "I'm not in the mood for any games here Klaus!" she yelled."Hayley! why don't you go see if our guest needs anything?" he said with a smile when Hayley sighed he remained silent till she had walked up the stairs and was out of sight."So how have you been?" he teased again he knew what they wanted - the obvious - Caroline."We're here for Caroline, just give her back and we'll leave" Stefan explained to the enemy.Caroline!" Elena and Bonnie both yelled one after the other while Stefan pounced on Klaus. They knew it was going to be the hard way to get their friend back. Liz ran up the stairs in the direction Hayley walked in. Elijah was in the room sitting talking to Hayley and Caroline - who appeared to be crying and the other girl looked guilty. "Caroline? Sweetheart" Liz called softly her daughter turned to look in the direction "Mom!" she jumped up and hugged her mother.The drive home was tough everyone was so tired and Caroline remained quiet. "Care? Are you okay?" Elena asked sitting next to her friend. Caroline just stared at her friend then in the mirror to see Bonnie's face. They could tell something was wrong but didn't want to say anything, Caroline knew what it was but didn't want to say."I'm not with Nik anymore" was all Caroline said.'could it really be over just from one mistake?' Caroline thought to herself.

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