16 - Tell or Not to tell

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"Caroline my beautiful daughter. I'm so so sorry" he was sympathetic yet she didn't believe him."You faked your death? How twisted is that?" she was beyond angry, her eyes were beginning to change colour. She knew she was going to turn it wasn't just the full moon it could be any time when the sky was clear and a moon was out it didn't have to be full, it just had to be out."Caroline I truly and sorry. Please just let me explain!" he begged."Why should I hear anything you have to say!" she spoke loudly keeping her distance.She sighed."All those tears and nightmares were all for nothing. That's all I need to know. Stay away from me." she turned to walk away. "I mean it!"She ran home and shut herself in her bedroom. "Caroline? Honey! Are you okay?" her mother said through the door."I am fine mother." she yelled back.It was then she wished Nik was there he would know how to comfort her, but he wasn't so she just kept crying - which is something she would do when she was extremely angry.She thought about phoning but it was no use he wouldn't answer if she did, the same with a text message. But she sent him a message anyway."Nik. Please pick up your phone I really need to talk to you." she wrote nothing else not even one x for a kiss, and like Caroline thought he never did reply.Once she'd got herself together she had to decide if she wanted to go and tell her brother."Hey. Are you okay?" she heard her brother come into her room"yeah""no, you're not.""I'll be fine.""Tell me what's wrong" he smiled sitting on her bed."Dad's alive" she blurted out as the smile on her brother's face disappeared."What?!" he screeched"we have a half sister too"Her brother just sat there staring at her. Caroline eventually had to look away feeling uncomfortable."Sorry" he mumbled looking in the opposite direction."When did you find out?" he asked her"Today. Elena and Bonnie knew before I did!" Caroline laughed. "And you're laughing!" he was shocked."Oh shut up seriously. I've been angry and upset and happy all within the space of a few hours." she explained."Sounds like you've had a busy day" he laughed.They both just laughed.They didn't even notice that Liz was standing in the doorway."I knew" she admitted as her children just looked at her."I also knew it would have this kind of effect on you which is why I didn't tell you guys" she stopped for a breath. "I'm sorry.""Oh mum it's okay" Caroline smiled. Both of them pulled her in for a hug.Then the door went causing the family to split up"If it's dad I don't want to see him" Caroline yelled."Yeah me neither" Daniel copied."Is Caroline there" Stefan spoke as Liz opened the door."yeah she's in her room" she let him in."Caroline" Stefan called as he reached her room."Stefan! What are you doing here?" she asked pretending everything was fine."Elena told me after you left why you were upset I was just checking to see if you were okay" he said leaning on the doorway."Thank you. I'm fine" she said standing up and walking towards him to give him a hug."you're such a good friend Stefan" she smiled."I'm always here for you okay?" he smiled back."Let me know if you need anything" he nodded then walked back down the hall."You like him" her brother teased."He's a very good friend."She lay down on her bed and felt compelled to look at her phone."Daniel? When did my phone go off?" she asked"I don't know" he answered heading out the bedroom door.She had a message from Nik."Do I read it?" she asked herself. She hit read"Caroline my love I'm sorry I haven't been able to answer your calls or messages. I've been dealing with some stuff. I promise I'll explain everything when I see you""Does that mean he's coming home?" she asked herself out loud. Her heart skipped a beat when she spoke. He hadn't been gone long yet she missed him so much and she was hopefully going to see him soon.So have you spoken to Kelly yet?" Stefan asked his friend"what? No." she had the 'I-don't-want-to' tone."You're going to have to eventually" Stefan was always the one to try and persuade people to do things they didn't want to do."Don't force me to try and talk to either of them. My dad lied to me and I don't even know who this Kelly person is, and I don't want to either!" Caroline was always the hard to get through to."You have to at least try and get to know her Caroline" he told he truth."I don't want to and I don't think my brother does either." Caroline always hated change and this new girl coming into town claiming to be her sister who she had never met."She's just some girl""Yes who you're now related to" Stefan sighed, he wasn't going to win this one."She doesn't seem to be going anywhere" he pointed over to a table outside on it's own as they walked past a little cafe near the park. She was just sitting there doing nothing but sipping on coffee or something."Go talk to her" he shoved Caroline a little closer to the tableCaroline sighed.As she approached the table she sighed and cleared her throat."Hi" was all she said.The girl smiled as she looked up at her older half sister.'she's got my father's smile' Caroline thought to herself."Hi how are you?" the girl asked"I've had better days" she admitted. "you?" she tried her best to sound interested and caring."I'm okay. Please have a seat" she put her hand on the table in front of the chair.'This is awkward' Caroline thought as she sat down she turned her head to look for Stefan."Is that your boyfriend?" Kelly asked Caroline when she eventually found where he stood."No" she laughed. "He's a good friend""What about you? You have a boyfriend or anything?" Caroline asked causing Kelly to blush."What?" she laughed."Just a question" Caroline defended herself."It's complicated.""Yeah? Try me."Kelly just shook her head.That was when Caroline clicked.She recently found out her father had the wolf gene and Kelly was her father's daughter... 'No! She can be!' Caroline's head screamed."Has anything strange ever happened to you?" Caroline asked."Strange how?""It doesn't matter. I have to go" she said quickly."Stefan!" she called for him."What happened?" he was shocked at how quickly she ran out."I think she 's a werewolf" she blurted out in which it cause a couple of people to turn around.He hushed her. "Not so loud!" he exclaimed."why do you think that?""she's my father's daughter she could be one"Stefan just stared at her with a worried look.Caroline decided to go and tell her brother what she thought but again not knowing how he would react."You think she's a werewolf?!" he yelled at his sister who just stared back."I don't know but it would make sense" she then wished she hadn't said anything till she knew for sure if she was or wasn't."Caroline! Daniel!" Liz called her children from down the hall.The pair walked in the direction of the voice which lead them to the front door in which their father stood in it."I told you i didn't want to see or talk to him!" Caroline yelled as her brother walked away back to his room. She gave him a disgusting look then walked away.She didn't understand why she was so mad at her father. He was alive surely she would be happy about it but she wasn't the guy faked his death and kept another child a secret! How could she get over that and where was Nik he said he'd see her soon yet she hadn't heard from him since the message he sent her, she missed him so much she would check her phone every five to ten minutes just to see if she had something from him.Another thing she was angry about was there was a full moon that night so she would turn along with her father and possibly her new sister. She didn't have the conversation with her brother so she didn't know if he was a wolf too. She knew that sometimes it skipped a generation but her brother wasn't much younger than her, only by two or three years.Caroline just sat alone in her room, her mother was at work and she didn't know where her brother was. It was only 8 pm and it was a summer's night so it wasn't dark yet so she still had time to think where she would go somewhere where there was no humans or any living thing. She thought of the wood but then she'd feel bad if she'd killed any animal, she kept thinking but it was either that or the Salvatore basement in which the big metal doors could be locked.She was brought out of her thoughts when she heard a little tap, the tap then turned into the knock. "where's that coming from?" she thought out loud, she always hated a noise that was repeating itself especially if it was like the knocking sound she just heard.She pushed her curtains open but realised it wasn't knocking it was little stones getting thrown at the window. She looked down and just stared as a huge smile appeared on her face."Nik!" she screamed.She ran out of her bedroom, down the hall and out the back door which was the closest to her window which meant it was the closest to Nik."I've missed you!" she jumped into his arms"I'm so sorry" she then said"It's fine my love, I've missed you more" he said leaning down to kiss her."Hey!" Kelly said appearing out of nowhere"Who's this?" Nik asked Caroline"This is Kelly" she introduced the girl."I'm her sister" she nodded once smiling."You have a sister?" Nik was shocked"Apparently but we all have a family member out there. i just never wanted to meet mine" Caroline said pretending to smile at Kelly."why don't we go inside and you can tell me what you've been up to yeah?" Nik said telling she was getting angry.He took her hand and pulled her in the back door"Maybe you should go?" Nik suggested to Kelly.Nik just sat on the couch until Caroline eventually calmed down."Are you okay?" he asked her."I'm fine. I'm just so happy to see you" She smiled at him"You seemed annoyed at Kelly" Nik pointed out the obvious"I'm not annoyed at her! I just don't particularly like her""You hate her!" he said loudly "Why?""She's my father's daughter. The same one who faked his death just so he could be with her" she was sad when she said it but it was the truth."I'm sure thats not true Caroline." he tried to persuade her

"come on" he said pulling her hand for her to stand up. "Nik where are we going?" she moaned.

"for a drive" he stated opening the passengers door for her to get in.

The Town's Secret - A Klaroline FanficWhere stories live. Discover now