Of Course

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Bored, bored, bored, bored, bored. . .

The one day of the week when I have no meetings, no meet and greets, no conferences, just nothing. And when there's nothing to do, everything is boring.

I can check Instagram, but it's just pictures.

I could tweet, but then my manager will get mad at me for not consulting her first.

I could open up a blank document on google docs and just stare into its emptiness. . .

I mean, I guess it could be fu-

No, just no. I have to do something, I need to talk to someone. I grab my phone out of my pocket and quickly open up my text messages.


I don't really feel like texting my manager right now, especially considering the last thing she said to me was "GET OFF YOUR ASS YOU LAZY BITCH AND GET TO THE MEETING ASAP."


I mean I could, but she can't really hold super great conversations. She doesn't really know how to use her phone, and when she does manage she just sends me adorable gifs.


Anxiety, anxiety, anxiety. What would I even say? What would we talk about? How would I start? Just type a simple "Hey," yeah that will work.

Wait I sent that?

I fucking sent it. What do I say now, do I backtrack, should I te-

" Hey ."

Well, no turning back now.

"How've you been." Why would I send that, we went on our date two days ago, what the hell.

" I've been okay, you?"

"Good." That's all I have to say, are you just going to be boring on top of being bored. Why not say magniflorious or something.

" What are you doing?"

Is there a non-boring way of saying bored, "Honestly, not anything, what about you?"

" I'm tending to the store, I have a lot of work that needs to be done. "

"Fun work or bad work."

" Tedious work. "

"I'm sorry."

" Yeah, please distract me. "

"Okay, what do you wanna talk about."

" You pick. " What do I say, what should we talk about?

"Let's ask each other questions."

" Okay, you go first."

"What is the best meal you've ever eaten."

" Company wise or food wise."


" Well, then it was the one we had two days ago. "

"Wow, one question in and we are already sappy."

" Shut it, I had a really nice time though. "

He's so cute, "Yeah, me too."

" Okay, my turn, when was your first date? "

Should I embarrass myself. . . sure why not, "Real or fake date."

" What? "

"I kinda have a lot of dates set up by my agency with these Instagram models so they can boost their follower count and my agency can monetize my love life."

" Oh wow, I'm so sorry. "

"It's okay, we meet once with the paparazzi around and take a couple of pictures, then we never speak again."

" Sounds lonely. "

"It kinda is, but whatever."

" You still haven't answered my questions, and I want real dates ."

"Well, then it was two days ago."

" WHAT. "

"Yeah, I grew up the child of a famous couple, didn't date anyone in school cause they all knew I was famous and adulthood only brought my agents setting me up. So my first ever real date was with you."

" Okay, a couple things. 1. I'm very glad I got to take your dating virginity, 2. I'm still shocked, and 3. For someone who has never been on a date, you sure know how to treat a guy. "

"Thank you, I try."

" Okay, your turn, ask away. "

"What is your sexuality, just to clarify?"

" Oh yeah, I'm pansexual with male preference. "

"Got ya, I'm deciding, just to get that out of the way."

" All good, no need for labels, don't force it. "

"Thanks, you ask."

" What does your marketing agency think of me? "

Uh oh, "They don't know about you yet."

" And if they did... "

"There are two bad outcomes,"

" I'm listening. "

"They will either try to make a big deal of my coming out and exploit you and soon you'll be on the front of tons of scandal magazines and nothing will be private, or they don't let me come out and keep us from ever being able to see each other long enough for the paparazzi to find out."

" Are those the only two outcomes. "

"No, and I'll make sure they aren't."

" How so? "

"I'll put my foot down, everything about us is decided by us, and if they try to do anything concerning you against your will then I can find a new marketing crew."

" ..."


"I'm flattered, but you really don't have to do that for me."

"Well I will, if you thought our first date was a lot of pampering then you better get ready for the ride of your life."

" I can get used to that. "

"You better."

" Okay, you ask your question. "

"Are you still working?"

" Yes. . . "

"Can I come help?"

" Only on one condition. "


" Can we go on a second date? "

"Of Course."

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