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"Babe, come downstairs I wanna show you something," I yell up the stairs to Jamie.

"Be down in a second." He calls back down, as I get everything ready.

Today was Jamie and I's six month anniversary. So, as any loving boyfriend would do, I wanted to do something special, so as I set out the table and carefully placed a very special leather-bound book in the center.

"Now, what is it that you wanted to show me," he muttered, rounding the corner and finding the table set nicely and the scrapbook he gave me on the first day we met in the center, "Is that the-"

"Scrapbook?" I finished, he nodded, "Yes it is."

"I can't believe you still have that thing," he chuckled.

"Well, I couldn't just throw it away now could I. It's kind of the reason we are dating."

"Actually, I think it's the fact that you decided to indulge the creepy store owner who was practically drooling over you."

"And why do you think I took a chance on you," I smiled, "It's because you had this amazing knack for storytelling and an incredible eye for treasures, and you told me to scrapbook, which was single-handedly the best and cutest advice anyone could have given me." I walked up to him, wrapping my arms around his lower back and pulling him into a chaste kiss.

"So why do you still have it."

"Because I used it silly," I laughed as his jaw dropped, "Okay, okay, I wasn't very good at it so I only have a couple of pictures, but what did you think I was going to do, not take the advice of the adorable stranger in the antique shop?"

"Yes, Malic. That would be the logical decision," He chuckled a little.

"I'm going to pretend you didn't say that," I pull up a seat for him, "You want to go through it?"

"Yeah," he nods vigorously.

"Okay," I giggle. I grab the book and open it.

"Oh my god," He laughs, looking at the first picture.

It was the picture we took when we first met, the one we took with the polaroid sitting on his counter. My arm wrapped around him and both of us smiling into the camera.

"It's cute," I nudge his side.

"It is, but whenever I see this picture, I remember how you gave me my copy with your number on it and left me in my shop all flustered."

"I am pretty smooth, aren't I?"

"You are," he laughs as I flip the page to see a printed screenshot I took of one of our text messages.

"This one is the text when you agreed to go out with me. I needed a physical document of course."

He groans, "You are such a dork."

I feign offense, "I like to think of myself as a romantic."

"Whatever," He flips the page this time, "Oh no."

"Oh yes," I say as I point to the picture of him lying in the grass on a dark field looking up at the stars, our first date, "You look so cute."

"I don't even remember taking this picture," he giggles, leaning into my side.

"I'm sneaky," I say, rubbing his head and tousling his hair.

The next picture is of us at the shop.

"What is this?"

"It's when I asked you to let me help at the shop and you asked me out on the second date," I saw fondly.

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