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I wring my hands out as I get mic-ed up backstage. The staff gently placing the tape to the side of my face so that the head of the microphone sits comfortably in front of my mouth.

"Sir, can you say 'Test one-two' into the mic."

"Test one two," I repeat, having done this routine before.

"Alright, you're all set, have a seat here, and we'll call you when you need to go on."

"Thank you," I mutter dully as I move to my seat.

It's been a week since the day I came home to Jamie's letter. A week that's felt like a year, a year that feels like every day is slowly dragging me closer to insanity. His absence left a burning, searing hole in my being.

I first felt angry, then nothing, then depression, then nothing. I never left the house, I ate only when necessary, and anything that reminded me of Jamie was not in my sight. It was during that time that I sat down and wrote my speech.

I spent days, slaving over my laptop, making sure it was perfect. This talk had to reach to Jamie somehow, I don't know how, but it has to. He has to understand how I feel, he has to see me make my point. He has to.

"Malic," I hear a man saw, I look up from my lap to see the technician from earlier, "You're on in three."

"Thank you, three." I repeat, to make sure he knows I heard him. I see him return to his booth as I stand and begin to straighten out my suit.

This isn't the first time I've done a talk like this, being a major pop culture star has granted me that opportunity many a time. But this talk is far more high stakes than any of the others.

I need him back, I can't live without him any longer.

Jamie was my everything, is my everything. And to think he left because he felt like he wasn't enough. It's just so ridcu-

"Malic, you're on when you're ready." The technician said.

I nod to him before giving him a thumbs up, then start walking towards the wings. I give one last look to him to make sure we're all clear, to which he grins and gives a small twitch of his head somewhat resembling a nod. I turn my head forward and make my way onto the stage.

The applause I get is double that of any other entrance. However, that's an unfair comparison considering most of these people are here for me. But that is exactly what I wanted, I wanted everyone that thinks they know me to hear what I have to say.

"Hello everyone," I greet with a forced smile, "How is everyone doing."

A loud group of girls screams so loud I can see the people her for intellectual purposes roll their eyes.

"Okay, so I came here to talk about my life as of recently, and some things that I have learned and have come to affect me.

"So as some of you may know, my name is Malic Johannesson. I'm a pop culture star due to my Hollywood starlet parents and my introduction to every industry presented in Hollywood. Some of you may also know that I was Hollywood's biggest bachelor until I confirmed my relationship with a man by the name of Jamie."

I heard a girl in the front groan at the mention of Jamie, like his name was disgusting her. God, I want to pounce on her so bad.

"Anyways, there was some backlash, but for me, it went largely unnoticed. Which is something interesting. From my view, almost all of the fans were being accepting and kind, respecting my relationship. Understanding that love can come in many different types. And let me clarify that I truly love Jamie."

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