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“Uh I’m never going drinking with Katengo ever again! I’m definitely sure that he was trying to terminate me last night” I comment as I clutch my pounding crown and slowly make my approach through the hallways making sure to lean onto the wall next to me as everything around me feels as though it is spinning sporadically.

“Oh Nomsa there you are!” Katengo shouts once he catches sight of me.

“Not so loud Katengo!” I whisper shout at him.

“What’s wrong with you?” Katengo questions me with an agog look on his profile as he comes to a stop right in front of me.

“This is all your fault” I riposte as I point towards my pounding crown.

“No one told you to keep up with me”

“Mm I’ll remember that for the next time that you ask me to go drinking with you so that I can happily decline your offer” I comment as I begin to traipse away from him.

“Wait a minute Mistress Muleya wants to see you in her office!” Katengo calls after me and with that I slowly change line and make my approach towards her office.

Once outside, I make sure to knock loudly even though my crown is all but ready to explode from the sound of me knocking on Mistress Muleya’s closed door since I do not have access to make the door automatically open.

“Enter!” Mistress Muleya ripostes from the other end of the door before it slides open to reveal her and Koma.

“Oh good it’s you Nomsa, come on in” She continues as I traipse into her office.

“Tomorrow we will heading for Nambao and since it is quite far from here you better wake up bright and early. You can leave now” Mistress Muleya informs us and with a slight wave of her hand she dismisses us.
Koma is the first to traipse out of her office with me in tow. Not exactly sure if I am allowed to talk to her anymore so I choose to stick with silence but to my surprise, Koma decides to break the quietude between us.

“I thought for sure that you were going to be the first one to be terminated in the novice combat”

“Well sorry to disappoint you”

“It’s no matter, you can still get terminated in Nambao” Koma continues with her teasing and just when I am about to give a witty comeback, Doctor Limpo appears out of nowhere in front of us stopping me dead in my tracks.

“I need to examine you before you leave for Nambao” Doctor Limpo comments looking at me.

“Mm no thanks, I’m good” I riposte as I look at the ceiling as though it is the most interesting thing that I have seen in my life.

“I wasn’t asking for your permission” Doctor Limpo counters as he closes the interspace between us and roughly takes a hold of my arm with his hand and proceeds to drag me along with him as Koma looks on with an beguiled look on her profile.

“You can let go now” I comment once Koma is out of sight.

“Mm look at that, you no longer have feelings for me” Doctor Limpo observes as he lets go of my arm.

“You got that right!” I riposte as I slowly rub the spot on my arm where he previously held me.

Once in the infirmary, Doctor Limpo proceeds to perform a full soma examination on my soma and within an hour I am out of there.

This time round when Doctor Limpo is in close proximity with me, I make sure to control my emotions knowing full well that the way I react to him will determine whether or not Koma decides to terminate me.

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