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“You don’t look too chipper this morning” Koma observes from beside me as she continues to look ahead of her.

“I just have a lot on my mind”

“So I have noticed”

“Like you are any different”


“Sorry I’m late!” Nomsa comments as she comes to a stop next to me successfully ending my parley with Koma.

“It’s a good thing that there are no combats today because this behaviour needs to stop” I lambaste Nomsa.

“I apologise” Nomsa ripostes in a whisper as she casts her gaze onto the floor in ignominy.

“Don’t apologise, do better!” Koma presses on in pique.

“Oh come on Koma you were no different when you were a novice Gladiator once upon a time” I goad.

“Don’t compare me to her” Koma spits in abhorrence.

“Noted!” I comment with a guffaw enjoying Koma’s abhorrence and Nomsa’s shame.

“You are too soft on her and it will lead to her death”

“And you are too tough on her which will lead to her doubting her abilities”

“I’m standing right here so why not say it to my face” Nomsa finally interposes.

“Oh now you want to stand up for yourself” Koma comments before she promptly traipses away from us.

“I’m starting to think that something happened last night, did something happen last night that I am not aware of?” I question Nomsa as I turn to face her with a raised brow.

“Chidani said some pretty unpleasant things about Doctor Limpo”

“So he is still pining over him after all these cycles”

“How do you know that?”

“Chidani makes it a point that everyone should know about his feelings for Limpo”

“Wait a minute, when did Doctor Limpo and Chidani meet?”

“They come from the same province and sort of grew up together. From what I’ve been told Chidani has always had feelings for Limpo but as you know by now Limpo is dead on the inside” I riposte but before Nomsa can get a prospect to riposte Master Chongo makes his presence known.

“Muleya there you are, for a second there I thought that you were hiding from me”

“Don’t flatter yourself Chongo” I riposte as Nomsa and I turn to face him only he is not alone but with his usual tail, Chidani.

“And who is this beauty?” Chongo questions as he takes his attention off of me and towards Nomsa.

“Nomsa walk away” I forthwith instruct her.

“Yes of course Mistress Muleya” Nomsa ripostes with a slight bow of her crown before she traipses in the line that Koma previously disappeared off to.

“Muleya don’t tell me that you are afraid that I am going to steal her away from you?” Master Chongo continues with mock hurt on his profile.

“I’m sorry why are you talking to me again?”

“I’m just being friendly”

“Be friendly elsewhere because I am not interested”

“You are always so hostile towards me, why is that?”

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