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It is the next day and after I traipse away from Mistress Muleya and Nomsa, I slowly make my approach towards the cafeteria but once the closed doors slide open, I can already feel the animosity coming off of the rest of the Gladiators in huge waves.
I choose to ignore it and simply traipse across the threshold in order to get some much needed nourishment into my system. I even go as far as to choice a seat that is the furthest from everyone else. However my peace and quiet forthwith disappears when none other than Chidani traipses into the cafeteria because I can already feel my annoyance level reach an all-time high.

"I'm beginning to think that someone is following me around!" Chidani declares in a raised comment for all to hear but I already know that his little show is definitely directed at me.

"Yes I'm following you by showing up first to the cafeteria" I comment in a whisper as I continue to consume the food before me"

"What was that you said?" Chidani questions me as he continues his boisterous approach.

"Oh come off it Chidani, you are acting like a fucking child!" Lubona lambastes behind him and I cannot help but beam at the scene before me because for once I am not the centre of attention for all the wrong reasons.

"Lubona what are you doing here?" Chidani questions him as he turns around in order to face his younger brother.

"Are you seriously asking me what I am doing in the cafeteria? Well if you must know brother I am here to get nourishment just like everyone else here" Lubona ripostes as he traipses further into the cafeteria making sure to bump shoulders with his brother on his way.

"No love?" I question Lubona when he takes a seat opposite me.

"The only Chirwan that loves Chidani is himself" Lubona ripostes with a scoff.

"He would beg to differ" I counter with a guffaw.

"That's because he is obsessed with himself and Doctor Limpo" Lubona continues and that forthwith puts a sour taste in my mouth.

"Why exactly are you talking to me?" I question him with a raised brow and narrowed eyes suddenly suspicious of his motives.

"Look I'm neither my father nor my brother and have no ulterior motives for talking to you plus I do enjoy pissing them off from time to time"

"That's an ulterior motive" I dead pan.

"Is it?" Lubona continues with sarcasm.

"We both know it is now walk away little boy"

"You insult me" Lubona comments with mock hurt on his profile but eventually a beam does spread across his profile.

"I'm not going to repeat myself"

"I can see that that is my cue to leave" Lubona comments with both of his hands slightly raised to indicate that he means no harm as he gets up to a standing position.

Though it is only when Lubona is traipsing out of the cafeteria do I realise that Chidani has had his eyes on us this whole time and by the look on his profile, he is none too pleased but then again that was the whole point of Lubona talking to me in the presence of Chidani.

"Isn't he a tad bit too young for you Koma?" Chidani questions me with a leer.

"We both know that Limpo satisfies my every need" I counter and this has Chidani forthwith whipping out his flail in pique, successfully silencing the entire cafeteria.

"Didn't we do this already?" I question him as I turn my crown to the side.

"I may not be able to terminate you but Nomsa on the other hand is an entirely different matter" Chidani ripostes and that forthwith has me on high alert.

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