Rebuilding Trust: part1

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Anakin's pov:

I was in the training room sparring with my old master. We were already fighting for two hours, but then we heard someone screaming and got interrupted. We looked at each other and headed into the other training room where the screams came from. We came in and I saw a little girl laying on the ground getting abused by her master. I was shocked. Obi-Wan and I ran to them. The little girl stopped screaming. She was now breathing heavily and losing consciousness. "Stop! You can't hurt her!", I scream full of anger. "Oh I think you see I can.", the master replied and held the training lightsaber against the skin of the girl. She seemed around fifteen, but her body was full of scars. The master took the lightsaber and cut over the head of his padawan. She lost consciousness and I took my own traininglightsaber to fight him. I attacked him and he tried to defend himself, but he ended up being slammed into the wall. He then fell to the ground, but to be honest, I didn't care. Obi-Wan sat by the girl and I sat down next to them. "Is she...?", I asked, but he told "She is still alive." "I have to tell the council what happened. Bring here to the halls of healing.", Obi-Wan said and left. I carried the girl to the halls of healing and a few healer took her from me. I then had to explain what has happened.

"She was abused by her master, he burnt her with a training lightsaber and then cut over her head.", I explained and the healer nodded sadly. "Abused by her master, I understand.", she said. "You have to wait here, I will tell you when you can see her.", was the last thing she said before she left into the room the girl was in. I was worried about her. How long did that go? Was it the first time her master did this to her or not? Is she used to it? Why the hell did he do that? Her master was supposed to teach her not hurt her. She shouldn't get hurt, especially not from her own master. No one should ever get hurt that way. I thought to myself. A few minutes later came Obi-Wan. "How is she?", he asked me, but I didn't know and so I answered him "There are five healer in the room with her." "Five?!", he asked me amazed and I nodded in respond. "Doesn't seem good, does it?", I asked him. "No, it doesn't seem good, but she will make it.", he replied, I guess he wanted me not to worry about her, but I knew he did too. We sat there the next time in silence and after a few hours the healer came out of the girl's room. One of them, the one I had talked to before, came to us. "You may go to her if you want, but she won't wake up the next hours. Her injuries are massive, but she will completely recover. It just needs time.", the healer said and left then.

Obi-Wan and I were going inside the room. The girl laid on the bed still unconscious. We stood next to the bed and looked at her. She seemed horrified. "What did the council say?", I asked him and he sighed. "They didn't make a decision yet, but he will probably get expelled.", he explained and I thought he didn't deserve it otherwise. He threatened the little girl, his padawan, like shit. "I have to go. I guess you stay with her?", Obi-Wan said after a while and I nodded. He left and I took a chair and sat down next to the bed.

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