Chapter 4 Himalaya

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The Himalayas.

Wyatt's thought was still buzzing with the new information, but he couldn't help but be distracted by the luxurious private jet. The smooth beige leather seats were reclinable, and there was a bar set in the middle of the aircraft. How was that a good use of space?

"Sir, what would you like to drink?" a flight attendant asked. She was carrying a tray of champagne, soft drinks, and fresh juices. Wyatt was momentarily tempted to reach for the flute but ended up with one of the juices. It's best to stay hydrated and level-headed

George, on the other hand, went right for the alcohol.

"The good life," George called, raising the flute in a toast. Wyatt chuckled, glad that his best friend was here with him.

"The Himalayas?" Wyatt heard Juliette asked. She was across the aisle from them, since each side only has two seats and the chairs were set pods.

"Yes, I'll explain more once we land. Please enjoy the amenities; I'm afraid that the trip is going to go downhill from here," Arthur said. He had become tight-lipped again after revealing their destination. Looking around him, Wyatt shrugged. If this was the high point, then so be it because it was hard to think of what else that could top it.

Pampered with delicious food, a comfortable chair that convert to a bed, and a comprehensive entertainment system, the flight passed in a blur. When he woke up again, he was treated to a spectacular sunrise of pink, purple, and orange.

"There really is no place like Earth," Arthur's voice sounded and Wyatt looked around, startled. The guide was standing right next to him, his hands in his pocket and the usual smile in place. Wyatt nodded absentmindedly, still stunned by the beauty.

"Which country are we landing in?" he managed to ask.

"We are landing in a private airstrip," Arthur replied, taking a seat. Juliette was fast asleep, her hair fanning across half her face. She looked oddly vulnerable and Wyatt wondered just how old she was.

"Wait, what?" Wyatt's mind finally caught up with his hearing, and his foggy brain immediately kicked into high gear. First a private plane, now a private airstrip. Something was definitely off.

Glancing over at George, who was also still sleeping and snoring gently, Wyatt's excitement slowly waning as his control-freak side surface. Facing the unknown was probably one of his biggest weakness.

Whatever was coming, at least the view was worth it. Wyatt thought as he gazed out the window at the majestic mountain range.

The cabin lights turned on as the sun rose and Wyatt's peaceful moment became a fight to get to his side of the plane for a better look. Luckily, the landing announcement came on soon after, forcing everyone back to their seats.

"Dude, we are in Asia!" George shouted in front of him and Wyatt shook his head. He was from Asia, so that statement really didn't hold much excitement for him. Were they here to visit the local villages? To trek? They didn't really have the right equipment or preparation.

"Please follow me. I'll explain as soon as we are inside," Arthur said as he stood up. They had landed in the middle of nowhere, though Wyatt was able to make out a small village nearby. However, there was a mansion attached to the airstrip.

George beat everyone to walk right behind Arthur, but Wyatt chose to linger to observe the people he'd spend the next two months with. The Hatfields had hurried after George, followed by a nervous Riya. Salvatore looked less confident as he grabbed his bags, but seemed to have already made friends with one of the guys that Wyatt hadn't met properly. What was his name? Leo?

The World BeyondOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora