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Y/N's pov

"MinMin it hurts!" I coded to Jae Min As I held my stomach. The whole day I had been feeling nauseous.

Jae Min kindly put up with it.

Even though, I know....I was a pain.

"Why does your stomach hurt so much? Did you eat something?" He asked still confused on why I was in so much pain.

"I don't know~!" I whined.

Soon MinMin was in deep thought. Great he is thinking up another solution even though we've tried everything.

"Y/N....you told me you had a boyfriend right?" He asked curious.

What?!What does that have to do with anything?!

"Yes." I simply replied annoyed.

"Did you guys happen to...you know..." He asked unsure.



"Get your stuff we are going to hostpital." I stood up slowly.

If Im pregnant Im so...

P L U C K E D.


"What?!" I said loudly.

"Yes Ms. L/N you're-" I cut him off.



"You have no diseases. Just symptoms of pregnancy. Plus your test results are positive."

I almost fainted.

What am I going to do? How am I going to tell Felix...My mom! I can't raise a child at 18!

What if Felix cheats again! Or leaves! Im really going to be alone!

"Hey, Y/N...it's okay. Everything is fine." Jae Min softly rubbed my back. "The first thing we have to do is relax...you'll stress the baby." My head shot towards him.

Instantly throwing his hands up in surrender.

Soon an overwhelming rush of emotions came over me. I soon found myself balling my eye's out into my hands.

"W-What am I-I g-going to do?" I asked between sobs. "H-how am I g-going t-to tell m-my m-mom?!" I panicked.

"You don't think of a way. Just tell her." I looked at Jae Min and he smiled softly.

"No matter what happens she is your mom. She will always love and support you. I am here as well. Everything is going to be fine." He reassured.

I nodded.

His words gave me courage.

"Who first?" I asked and he thought for a second. "The father." I nodded determined.

"Could I borrow-?" He stopped me already holding his phone out. "Thanks." I smiled softly.

I remembered Felix's number.

By heart.

He never changes it. NEVER.

Dialing it I hear the ringing. I glanced at the time seeing it was 3 in the afternoon here, but 3 in the morning there.

Soon he picked up.

"Hello?" His sleep raspy voice spoke out. "Hey Felix!" I said happily. "Y/N!Hey!How have you been? Why haven't you answered my calls or text?! I was worried!" He spoke slightly panicked yet relieved.

"My phone fell in the street, and someone ran it over." I spoke out the truth and heard him laugh a bit. "So who's phone are you using?" He asked curious.

"Friend's." I responded simply glancing at JaeMin who was seeming to signal me to tell him.

"But besides me missing you very much, there's something else I uh....need to tell you...." I grew hesitant.

"I'm listening." He said aloud.

I waited a few seconds.

"Im pregnant."


First Chapter.

Many more too gooooooo!!!

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