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My stories, are Fanfictions. As in their not real. Just my imagination. ;-; and also I haven't edited ANY of my stories because I just haven't had the time, but I'm going to get to it.😂

Years passed. Felix was never able to locate Y/N or his daughter, and it tore him apart inside and out.

His fans helped as much as they could. They would take pictures of where they saw Y/N last. But every time he would try to go to that location,

She would just disappear.

But not willingly. She tried to get his fans to notice her. She wanted to see him again. To hug him again. She didn't want to stay with this man who she later found out was some guy named SanE.

She would go threw countless numerous attacks with this male, and at times he would even try to kiss her, yet she pushed him away.

Causing the fighting to start.

She tried everything to get away, but in the end she was always dragged back.

It broke her inside, all she wanted to do was go home. And be back with all of the members. Her mom included.

As time passed she realized that she never worked. So around spring she had begged SanE to open up her own business. He said it had to be small so she chose coffee.

She felt it was a huge success as too the coffee shop wasn't big, but it was thriving.

The day was of the usual customers come in then leave. Yun-Hee out in the front holding a big smile on her face attracting all.

"Come get your cup of coffee from the most best mommy!" She cheered with a bright smile.

Felix's pov

I was out taking a walk as usual. To clear my head. Yet, I stayed in one specific area as too, that's the last place Y/N was seen.

But I didn't she her at the park, the mall, the pool, or out by the sea.


She wasn't anywhere. And I began to loose hope. Every day a part of me drained not being able to see the love of my life or my own daughter.

But I knew they were still alive, I could feel it.

I wondered around stopping outside of a coffee shop. I looked at the little bulletin board and smiled slightly, it's funny as to, it looks just like Y/Ns hand writing.

As I continued to daze out on the look of the sign. It was till a few minutes later that I realized there was a little girl standing behind the sign.

She looked up at me placing her head on her palm. Her freckles covered nose was slim and her light skin looked soft.

Her brown hair was at shoulder length and it held curls. She was too cute.

"Ahjussie! Do you need help with anything?" She spoke up and smiled. I couldn't help but feel warmth in my heart. "No, I'm just looking." I replied and gave her a soft smile.

"Yun-Hee, come help eomma with the tables!" A women's voice had shouted out from inside the shop.

The little girl known as Yun-Hee looked back before turning to me again.

She came from behind the sign and took my hand. Instantly she began pulling me into the coffee shop. "Come on! Eomma makes really good muffins!" She called out as she took me in.

"Mommy! Get this Ahjussie a muffin and some tea!" She called as we were slowly approaching the women.

Her form from behind looked familiar, and as she turned to look at me pain shot through my heart. "Y/N," I looked at her and once she realized it was me her eyes widened.

"Felix!" Her hands covered her mouth and her blonde hair was straight and to her shoulders. "Yun-Hee!" The little girl screamed as she ran to Y/N. "Eomma do you know him?" She asked as she began playing with her dress.

I was speechless. All these years of not being able to see the love of my life hurt. Now seeing her in front of me alive and well, made the cracks in my heart heal instantly.

"Felix, Y-You're actually here." She began crying as she broke down. I rushed to her engulfing her into a strong hug.

"I can't believe it you're actually here!"she continued to cry and I began to feel myself tear up. "Where were you, what happened-" I had to many questions. "I wouldn't be able to tell you right now, but Felix please." She pulled away and looked up at me.

"You have to get Yun-Hee out of here! You have to go! You have to leave!" Her words were fast and she looked panicked. "What, why!? No I'm not leaving you!" I spoke not believing what she was saying.

"You have to! If she finds out you found me, s-she'll hurt us all!" Her words began to shorten in a whisper. "Who?" I asked and she quickly spoke.

"Tzuyu." At that name I began feeling my blood boil. All this time she knew.

I processed everything before looking back at Y/N. I placed my hands on the sides of her face and spoke softly. "I won't let that happen, I promise." I kissed her forehead and she smiled at me weakly. "Come on, we need to go." I stated and she nodded her head.

Yun-Hee looked up at us both as we began rushing around and grabbing things. We needed to move fast.

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