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Ashton already told Rick about the surprise, Rick is Jon's brother and roommate; Ashton also told his roommate Kian lawley, so they both know they will be gone for the whole weekend. It is now the 25th of April at 8:00 am.
Ashton and Jon texting
Ashton: Hey babe I know your birthday isn't until tomorrow but I'm already packed so I thought we could go to your surprise a day early. Ill be over to help you pack in like 10 minutes. I love you😘
Jon: Hey baby, I'm ok with going a day early I just really wish I knew where we were going😒 I love you and ill see you when you get here❤
10 minutes later at Jon's house
Ashton- "Hey babe I'm here!"
Jon- "Baby; I'm so excited!"
Ashton- "I know me too, so lets go pack!"
Jon- "ok lets gooo"
Jon led Ashton to his bedroom and grabbed 2 suitcases and a backpack. Jon started by putting all his bathroom essentials in one of the suitcases (deodorant, comb, toothbrush, exc); while Ashton was putting all Jon's clothes in the other suitcase. In the suitcase Ashton put 3 shirts, 2 pairs of jeans, 1 pair of shorts, and 3 pairs of socks and boxers. Then in the backpack they put all Jon's chargers, and electronics and others (laptop, camera, journel, exc). In the backpack Jon also included a plastic bag full of his and Ashtons favorite snacks. They put all of Jon's luggage in the back seat with all of Ashton's luggage. And they were off to Jon's surprise about 100 miles away. (About a 2 hour drive)

Birthday weekend 🎂🍷😘😏  Where stories live. Discover now