The Band.

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My band When it’s Cold was playing the South by So What?!?(SBSW) music festival and I was just enjoying it before my set, when we say that situation, But to shamelessly talk about my band. We had gained popularity, we went from a band from small town Minnesota with a small following to sold out shows and music festivals, granted we are not at the status of Bring Me the Horizon or Of Mice & Men yet, but we had hoped to be there someday. I have even made famous friends like Alex Gaskarth is like a big brother to me, and Austin Carlile and I hang out all the time. (I swear I’m not trying to sound self-centered!) I love my life it is perfect for me, and I get to travel in a bus and make music for a living, and I get to do it with some of my best friends Craig, Michael, Parker, and Trevor. This festival is one of my favorites though; it has a great atmosphere and amazing music all weekend long. The best part is I get to meet some new people, meet the fans, make new friends, and hang with some old ones (Austin!)

Craig and I walked into press where we met up with Michael and Parker. Where is Trevor? I wondered. I was excited because we have an interview with the one and only BryanStars. (Did I mention that I love my life?)  We walked up to them and you asked Parker “Where the fuck is Trevor?” he answered with a laugh and a “He’s umm... taking a dump.” I smiled “Of course. What else? I swear that is all he does.” Trevor comes in and fires back with “I swear all you do is bitch and moan about piss on the seat, or the fact that the seat isn’t down” They all laugh and I smile and say “If you guys had better aim I wouldn’t have to worry about it! I feel for your girlfriends” Bryan walks up to us and says “Hate to interrupt band time but we’re ready now, sorry about the wait first interview of the day is always the latest to start!” “I’m Bryan by the way.” We all introduced ourselves and did the interview; I haven’t laughed that hard in a while.

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