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We got in the car and Chris started driving, he sped past my apartment, and drove on, I was going to say something, but he noticed my confused look. “You said not to take you home right?” I smiled… I had no objections. I was getting tired of the car ride... Where the fuck are we going? I questioned to myself, and said “Want to play a game??” He looked at me thought about it then smiled, “Sure... What is it? I get to kick ass this time.” I said “2 truths and a lie.” He contorted his features… “Not Fair!!” I smiled and pointed at him. “You HAVE to now!” He frowned. “Fine... But you first.”  I smiled “Okay! Umm… I had a horse named daisy when I was younger, I grew up in small town Minnesota, and I HATED you when I first “Met” you.” He looked appalled. “How could you? That HAS to be the lie” I half smiled. “Actually... No.” He slammed on the brakes. I went flying forward, seatbelt catching me. “Holy Shit! What the fuck Chris.” He looked at me... almost staring... I instantly felt regret. “You hated me.” I looked down at my twiddling thumbs “Yeah at South by So What I saw you just tear a set of kid’s apart, I thought it was rude and I really disliked you for a while.” He shook his head and laughed... “Those kids? They were calling me and I quote (he made air quotes at me) A “fucking emo douchebag with no talent.” that (air quotes again) doesn’t hold a candle to anyone here. I scoffed “Rude! I’m sorry... I had no idea, I just thought that...” I let one tear slip; regret lacing my voice I felt SO BAD for judging him that harshly. He wiped it away, as well as pushing my red hair out of my face. “My last name is really Cerulli, I really like this girl that hated me, and I HATE hockey. Which one is the lie?” I smiled “You LOVE Hockey!” He smiled “Winner!!” I smiled and he asked “Better?” I squeezed his hand... “Yeah, thank you.” He squeezed my hand back and kept driving an unspoken promise of you’re welcome.

We showed up at this really pretty park, At least I thought it would be pretty, but it was a dark and cold night, He got out, slipped over to my side and grabbed my door.. “What a gentlemen you are!” he went to the trunk of his car and grabbed a blanket and an extra coat. He held out his hand, I took it.. “Ready?” I smiled “For what??” He slyly smiled at me... “You’ll see.” We trekked up this hill, by this time daybreak was coming, we had been out all night, at the top Chris set down the blanket and sat down and patted the seat next to him... “Sit with me Gina?” I sat down and shivered. “It’s fucking cold up here” He said “I know” and grabbed the spare jacket and put it on me, I smiled “Well aren’t we organized?” He said “I come here for inspiration alot, whether I need to clear my head, or if I need help with a song, or if I need to make a big decision, I come here... It never fails. I’ve NEVER shown this spot to anyone before...” I smiled realizing that this was a big deal to him... “I am honored.” Then I saw the sunrise and grabbed Chris’s arm like a five year old. “Look!” He grinned, “Isn’t it beautiful??” I nodded, “Yeah, it really is.” He kissed me and put his arm around me… We sat there like that for what seemed like hours, He looked at me, knowing what he was going to say, I frowned, “I don’t want to leave.” He smiled “I know, me either, But, I suppose you should go home now.” I winked, “I’ve heard your house is pretty nice...” He smiled and said “Let’s go.”

I lied.. I'm sorry the next part turned out to be shit, so I guess this is it.. Sorry. :( But what did you think? Bad? Good? Ehh? I was listening to Motionless that is why the story is Chris. Yeah I guess that is all.

With love,


Let's Go. (A Chris Motionless fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now