The Date

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Why was he so interested, I hate him, and lack any respect for him, but yet he keeps trying... Why? Craig took it upon himself to become BFF’s with Chris (Oh Joy!) So he started to be around alot on tours, and such, (we all lived in the same area anyway.) I ignored him every time he was around, and he would try to sweet talk me, but I wasn’t budging, I didn’t like the way he acted. After constant nagging from EVERYBODY I (reluctantly) agreed to go on a date with Chris. But I was weirdly excited, I’ve hated this guy for months now, now we were going on a date? He was a musical genius and amazing lyricist, I had to give him credit for that. Chris picked me up and told me to close my eyes, I reluctantly did and he covered them with his hands. He smelled SO good! I felt his hot breath on my neck, “Keep ‘em closed darling.” I did, I couldn’t believe it… How could you dislike someone so much, yet feel as if they are all you want? It was a weird thing. But I got in the car and heard my door open and then I was told to open my eyes... In front of me was an arcade! With laser tag! Damn, this boy was smooth, he knew! Everything I loved to do was in there, pizza, arcade games, and laser tag. I was going to kick his ass at laser tag! I squealed and hugged him. “Oh my god it’s perfect!!” He smiled and laughed. “I know!” I grabbed his hand and dragged him inside like a five year old, What? I was excited okay?

We got to laser tag and Chris reserved it, just for the two of us, for two hours (You can do that?!?) I was pumped and thoroughly ready to kick ass. I smiled “I’m going to kick your ass Chris.” He stepped closer to you and whispered we’ll see about that Gina!” I whispered back “Bring it on kid.” then the bell rang and I ran; it was so much easier to do without all the people running to find a good hiding spot! I ran as fast as I could away from Chris. As soon as I lost sight of him I found a good hiding spot behind a set of stairs. I hear him coming, rumbling down the stairs and I slink further into the darkness. I see him come around the corner and I cover my mouth with my hand to hold in my laughter, then I aim and just shoot like crazy. I saw his vest flash. “Yes! I got him!” you whispered to yourself. He smiled and says “I’m going to get you my pretty!” Then cackles like a witch. I came out from my hiding spot, run away, wink and say “Not if I can help it!” He smiles and says “Yeah!” he is excited for the chase but we continue with this banter for a while, and our time is almost done. We run back toward the entrance and run face first into each other, and the next thing that happens was one of those things I thought never happened, it only happened in movies. But we fell down and Chris landed on top of me with a thud. I laughed and said “Ouch” he smiled and asked “Are you okay?” I smile back and say “Yeah, actually I’m great now!” He smiled and said “You look really pretty right now...” I rolled my eyes “How? You just tackled me.” He smiled (god he was hot.) “I don’t know, you’re just really pretty.” Then he leaned down and kissed me, and I kissed him back, if you would’ve asked me about this two months ago I would’ve laughed...alot. But now it was all I wanted.

 We got up and went to see who won, He said “Drum roll please” I made a drum roll noise and I had won, I kicked his ass with a score of 124 to 89. I rubbed it in and he said something along the lines of “Shut up princess!” (I put that as my name for a joke) He said “Follow me; I need some food what about you?” I agreed, he grabbed my hand and led me out into the arcade area. We got some pizza and sat there and talked for an hour, all the laser tag wore me out, but it was definitely worth it. Then Chris said “I suppose I should take you home Huh?” I winked and said “You don’t have to” He smiled, grabbed your hand and said “Let’s go.”

Let's Go. (A Chris Motionless fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now