The Children, Living An Easier Life (SNK)

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So uh, I wrote this in one sitting, it's a reader insert, set like 200 years later, kinda based on the last part of the story in the banner? I'll probably use it as a prompt again later. Ties in with my full length mikannie fic, but this was actually written before that.

Mitras, year 1018

With your papers in hand, you waited impatiently outside the museum for your best friend, Liza. You rubbed your hands together to keep warm, trying to block out the noises of the passing cars. You tucked your history notes under your arm and pulled out your phone to text Liza.

Yo I'm at the museum where are you


Its cold

Chill gurl! I'll be there soon

Yeah well be quick or I'll actually freeze to death

You put the phone back in your pocket and sat down on the stone step. You put your notes on your lap and reviewed them.

You weren't here at the museum today because you were super into history. No, you were here to get an extra source for your ultimate essay, in which you would prove your teacher wrong and confirm that Queen Historia I had a lesbian lover by compiling every bit of evidence that said she had one.

You were so caught up in your concentration that you didn't see your best friend walk in front of you.

"Hey (Y/N)! I'm finally here!" Liza exclaimed. You looked up from your notes and stood up to hug her. The two of you went to different schools and thus hardly got to see each other. Since you had to go to the museum anyway, you decided to ask her to come along too.

"How have things been?" She asked as the two of you walked into the museum foyer.

"Okay, I guess. My sister has a boyfriend, I'm trying to prove that a historical figure was a lesbian. The usual stuff," you shrugged. Liza's face was overcome with shock.

"Your sister has a boyfriend already? But she's, like, twelve!"

"Yeah, I know. I can't even get anybody to look at me more than once."

You and Liza chatted for a while as you looked at exhibits. This place was more for show, to be honest. None of the history exhibits told you anything that wasn't already taught in school. The walls, titan shifting, etc. Nothing new. You felt like you should have gone to a library instead, maybe you might have learned something there. But oh well, you were having fun with your best friend, and that was all that really mattered.

After some time, Liza excused herself to go to the bathroom, leaving you sitting alone on a bench in front of a painting.

"Hey, can I help you?" Asked somebody. You looked up to see one of the museum staff, a black-haired girl who looked maybe a year older than you, standing next to you.

"Oh, I'm just waiting for my friend," you said. You tried to look at the girl's nametag, but it was partially covered by her hair.

"You doing a history project?" The girl asked, nodding towards your notes. You blushed and shoved them in your messenger bag.

"Yeah, I'm trying to prove to my teacher that... Never mind, it's stupid," you said, looking down. The girl sits on the bench next to you.

"No idea is stupid," she said. "Maybe I can help you with it."

You took a deep breath. You really didn't want to look like some idiot in front of this pretty girl.

"I'm trying to prove that Queen Historia I had a girlfriend," you rushed out. It took a few seconds for the girl to register what you said before it clicked.

"Oh, she had a girlfriend alright," the girl said. "Like, you remember how they found some of her letters a few years back? Well let me tell you, she wrote a lot about this "object of her heart," and quite clearly stated that she was a girl. It's amazing how blatantly heterosexuals can deny homosexuality, even when it slaps them in the face."

Wait- this girl had a similar viewpoint to you? Even your mother, who you got along expertly with, said that you were "looking too far into it" and that they were "probably just close friends." Holy shit.

"I- I based my opinion off the letters as well," you stumbled out.

"And," the pretty girl continued teasingly, "her girlfriend was one of the titan shifters."

"No shit?" You exclaimed. You realised that you had spoken this out loud.

"Yes shit. Practically every important person that lived around that time knew each other. I swear, their lives were so intertwined it was like a TV series or a graphic novel or something. Y'know, aside from all the tragic and horrible deaths, it'd be pretty great as a show."

"Yeah. Yeah it would."

You noticed that the girl's hair had moved slightly, and you could see part of her nametag. Specifically her last name, which was Ackerman.

"Ackerman?" You asked, raising an eyebrow. "Like-"

"Yes," the girl said exasperatedly. "Exactly like the historical figures."

"Sorry, I'm sure you get that a lot," you apologised.

"Don't worry, at least I wasn't the one saddled with the name Eren. There's one in every generation of my family, and my baby brother got dumped with it. Trust me, it was way worse for him."

"Haha, yeah, that must suck. I'm (Y/N). By the way."

"Viktoria. With a K."

You and Viktoria moved closer to each other. "That's a nice name," you said. The girl laughed slightly.

"If I had a dollar for every time somebody said that, I wouldn't be working at a... No, I like working here. You get to meet cute nerdy girls." Viktoria smiled and you blushed.

"(Y/N)! I'm back, sorry I took so long, there was a queue... Oh, am I interrupting something?"

You glared at Liza, then stopped. You really couldn't be angry at her. "I'll be a sec," you told Liza. She nodded and walked a few metres away.

"I'll give you my number," Viktoria said, grabbing your pen and scribbling her number on the top of one of your sheets. "In case you want to talk more about queens some other time." Viktoria winked.

"I'll give you mine as well." You took the pen from Viktoria when she was done and wrote your number on her hand.

The two of you waved each other goodbye, as Viktoria went to help another museum-goer and you caught up with Liza.

Somewhere, in the afterlife, Ymir was laughing her head off because holy crap, her bloody life story of all things had made these girls meet, and of course they were lesbians.

History really does repeat itself in the best ways.

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