Wolves and Other Wild Things (mikannie, part 3)

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I didn't mean to write this much but here we are, 6k words in and another part on the way. Requested by @-Bertholdt- . Requests are still open if there's an idea you want written.

The cottage's garden was small, but plentiful. It had mostly vegetables, but, as Historia had said, the flowers would come up in the spring.

"So the baby... Is both of yours?" Mikasa asked.

"Yes," Historia answered, kneeling down to pull out the weeds. "Ymir willed herself to have a, you know. It took a lot out of her, but I mean, having the baby was hard too. I don't know why she complains all the time."

"You're telling me she made a penis? Is that a thing all wolves can do?"

"Mostly. It depends on a lot of factors."

"Annie told me that you could tell me about wolves," Mikasa said. "Like their anatomy."

Historia smiled. "I could tell you. How much do you know?"

"Not a lot."

"Well, I guess I'd better start at the beginning." Historia beckoned for Mikasa to sit down next to her. She did.

"The story says that the moon goddess Ymir - not my Ymir - had a following unlike anything anyone had seen before. And they were, well, they were like a cult. They did a lot of things, bad things, in the name of their goddess, and she let them. When the other gods found out, they cursed her children and her followers to live half of their lives as animals. To show their "true nature.""

"That's awful," Mikasa said. It wasn't much different to the stories her parents had told her as a child, but the unnecessarily cruel punishment still made her uncomfortable.

"That's just how the story goes. Every winter, the wolves go into heat. It's like a mating season, though most wolves don't use this time to actually have children. Some say that's because of all the orgies the original moon cultists had."

Mikasa made a disgusted face. Historia laughed, then continued. "There are a lot of myths about werewolves. The whole "mating for life" thing, that isn't necessarily true. However, strong bonds are created between mates and if one of them dies, it's incredibly hard for the other to mate again."


Historia laughed. "I know, it's kind of weird being a human mated to a wolf, but you get used to it after a while."

"You and Ymir are mated?" Mikasa asked.

"Yeah," Historia answered. "Not in the traditional sense, but we're married and have a child together, so yes, we're mated." Historia paused. "You know, I think Annie's planning to mate with you."

"Really?" Mikasa looked at her. Annie had kissed her, but she hadn't thought that she wanted to have sex with her.

"Maybe. You'll have to ask her yourself, but she seems to like you a lot."

Mikasa decided to drop that topic. She asked Historia which weeds she wanted pulled. Historia showed her the weed in her hand, and she nodded.

"We're being hunted," Mikasa said as she pulled a weed.

"I know." 

"Annie knows him. She says he won't hurt us, that he was banished from her pack. Do you know him? She said his name was Reiner or something."

"Reiner was banished?" Historia looked up and made a face. "That doesn't sound like him."

"At least, I think his name was Reiner, I might have misheard."

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