Wolves and Other Wild Things (mikannie, part 2)

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K so I kinda forgot this existed because I got sidetracked and wrote a yumikuri twilight au and -Bertholdt- had to remind me about this. Anyway I hope you enjoy!

In a flash, Annie was pinned against a tree, sword to her throat. She yelped.

"You were luring me into a trap," Mikasa said, voice dripping with anger. She pressed the sword closer, drawing blood. "You lied to me."

"I never told you a lie," Annie said quietly. She was gasping for air. "I promise, I never lied to you."

She grabbed at the sword, trying to get it away from her.

"Please, Mikasa, let me talk."

Something in her eyes finally got to Mikasa, and she lowered her sword, just a bit.

After catching her breath, Annie began.

"I was going to lure you into my den, but I changed my mind," she said. "I couldn't do that to you. If I kept going in circles, you wouldn't find the den. You wouldn't last five minutes in there."

Mikasa sheathed her sword. "I'm different."

"You are different. That's why I couldn't bring you there." Annie rubbed at her throat, the blood evaporating. "I don't care if I have to go back empty handed. I'm not letting my pack tear you apart."

"You said mating season was soon? We can surprise them."

"You really want to walk into a den of horny wolves?"

Mikasa didn't answer. She knew she was fighting a losing battle. It was obvious that Annie wasn't going to let her go.

"So what caused the change of heart?" Mikasa asked, sitting down on a nearby rock.

"I don't know. You're pretty. You're a normal girl with a normal life. You're passionate about your goals. You're everything I wish I was." Annie sat down next to her. "I just realised that I didn't want them to hurt you."

They sat on the rocks for a while, not saying anything more. At some point, their hands made their way into each other. At another, Annie rested her head on her shoulder.

"So you're a wolf, huh," Mikasa said. "Were you always a wolf?"

"I got turned at 7," Annie answered. "My father gave me up as a sacrifice, to appease the pack. Despite being cursed with having to live half my life as an animal and not being able to go to heaven, it's not that bad of a deal."

"Have you ever killed anyone?"

Annie was silent.

"Did you?"

"A few times. But mainly only trespassers."

"Was it your pack who killed Carla and Eren?"

Annie slowly sat up, and looked at her grimly. "She was dead when we found her. Her son was nearly dead. What Zeke did was a mercy."

"Zeke? Is that the man I have to kill?"

"You can't kill him. He's the alpha. He's a direct descendant of the moon goddess and he has power over all of us. You're just a human girl with a sword. Plus, I don't exactly like it when you threaten to kill my family, even if they are pricks."

"Even if your family killed mine first?" Mikasa said this with a tiny smile on her lips.

"They were probably killed by bandits or a rogue. It wasn't our fault." Annie crossed her arms, and returned the teasing smile.

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