Chapter 1 (updated)

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(Author's note: woah, I really started to write this in 2018. I decided I wanted to continue writing this silly fanfic, so here it is. I am updating all the previous (1-5) chapters, as I have improved my writing nd wanted to show that. Keep in mind I started to write this way before season five, and the rest of the chapters will be written without season five being taken into account. Enjoy!)


"Hey there, bugaboo!"

It was midnight and chilly, and the sky was full of dazzling stars. I had been standing on the roof of a long deserted building when Chat Noir appeared before me. His face had a wide crooked smile as he called me the silly nickname he has used for years.

"You wait long?" the black kitty asked as he cocked his head a bit to the left. He really did look like a cat at times, acted like one too.

I shook my head. I couldn't find the courage to speak; I was nervous. Extremely freaking nervous. I could feel cold sweats and my body was softly trembling. I felt as if I was about to give a speech to millions of people. Today I decided to tell Chat Noir who I am. After all, I had already told Alya. Why shouldn't Chat know too? I depended on Chat Noir the most out of any person. He's saved my life more times than I could count, and I've done the same for him. It was nice being able to depend on one person that much, and at times, he would make my heart flutter.

I had to keep reminding myself it was only him; just silly Chat. He's only one person, right? What's the big deal? Even though it felt like the biggest deal in the universe. I've never had such a problem make me feel so small.

But, tonight was the night. Tonight he finds put who's under the polka dot mask, who the real Ladybug is. What would he think? How would he feel? Would it change his judgment and opinion of me? Could he possibly start to hate me? Of course not! I was being silly--

"You there, m'lady?"

His voice had brought me back from my thoughts. I don't know how long I was standing there in silence, and I'd rather not. I'm just embarrassing myself more and more. All this thinking just made me feel more in over my head.

"Y-Yeah, sorry... " my voice trailed off. What had gotten into me? I'm Ladybug, the brave and strong hero. Right now I feel like a scared puppy with my tail between my legs. 

He chuckled. "Cat got your tongue, huh? Well, I guess I do have that effect on people." His joking voice had turned into a flirty one with the last sentence he spoke.

He always was a flirty guy. I used to hate it, but that's when I was in love with Adrien. Of course, I realized a long time ago that we were never going to go anywhere. I couldn't even function around Adrien, let alone open up around him. Chat Noir was different, though. I felt like I could tell him anything. Is that what love is? I'm sixteen and I still haven't really had a boyfriend. You just get too busy when you're a crime fighting superhero.

I came back from my thoughts and rolled my eyes, turning away from the kitty cat as I didn't want him to see he made me blush. We were in a very empty part of town, especially at this time of night. No houses, no people, no one at all. It was perfect for our special occasion without anyone seeing. I was still nervous though. What if the moment I say 'spots off' is the moment someone just happens to walk by?

"I'm just... Nervous..." I could feel my face blush even more as I felt his hand lay on on my shoulder, comforting me. "I-I know I have no reason to be, but I'm just scared of you thinking different of me. I'm no one special under this mask... I'm just a nobody. And not even a talented or popular nobody. Just someone who's absolutely the polar opposite of extraordinary."

"Ladybug, you are anything but a nobody." His hand then grabbed my shoulder and squeezed it softly. "It doesn't matter whether you're popular or rich or anything else lesser than that. What matters is you're a hero. You have a kind heart. You go out everyday and risk your life for people, even some who don't deserve that. How could you call yourself a nobody?"

My face was beat red all over now, but I didn't care as I turned around to face him. His bright green eyes met with my soft blue ones, and I noticed he was once again smiling that goofy smile of his. I don't know when this started, but I always feel so warm when I see him smile.

He took my hand gently and kissed it. "You are a someone to me at least, and I would hope that counts for a lot."

"It does..." Chat Noir could honestly be so amazing and as much as I hated to admit it, I found myself growing more fond of him every day. I no longer had anyone who I could call my crush, and I hadn't for awhile since I had decided Adrien and I just don't compute. But I think if I had to say I liked someone, it'd be Chat. Even if I really do hate the thought, he isn't so bad...

I gathered my racing thoughts and took a deep breath. I smiled a gentle, nervous smile as his green eyes once again met mine. "A-Are you ready to see the real Ladybug, Chat Noir?"

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