Bark on a Tree

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^a bop

uh hi so like, sorry for the wait. i have a lot going on (school wise) and i took a very very long hiatus. so my bad i guess.

Sal Fisher and Larry Johnson were considered tighter than bark on a tree.

Best buds, they were.Two peas in a pod. "Two nuts in a... sack," as Larry liked to put it. "Two tiddies in a bra," Sal would respond, giggling at their identical immature senses of humor. They had their differences, and small disagreements and even the occasional argument, but their bond was still as stiff as dry superglue.

They shared a lot of things; secrets, hugs, cigarettes, pineapple pizza, 'the time I shit my pants' stories. They even lived in the same apartment building so each to the other was always in care on call. They were each other's shoulder to cry on and ear to listen.

I could continue to go on and on about how inseparable they were, but you probably get the gist by now.

There was, though, one night in particular that would alter their friendship for good.


Sinking into his bean bag chair and huffing an over dramatic sigh of defeat, Larry tossed his game controller to the side, folding his arms. "You win... again." he stuck out his lower lip in faux sadness, using his index finger to trace an imaginary tear running down his cheek.

A victorious grin spread across Sal's broken features as he did a double fist in the air. "You suck!" he snorted jokingly, lifting his prosthetic face up slightly to stick his tongue out at Larry, then lowering it back into place.

No longer being able to keep the 'I'm sad because I lost' act up, Larry chuckled. "Mario Kart isn't my game, dude. I'd beat you at literally anything else though." He relaxed, his hands behind his head and his legs crossed.

"Yeah, right." Sal said smugly.

"Woah, is that a challenge?" a smirk slowly began to appear on Larry's lips.


Larry hopped up, smirk still on face, and walked over to a box of video games by his tv. He plucked out 'Mortal Kombat,' a violent fighting game that Larry happened to be a god at. He ejected the game that was currently in the console, putting it back in its proper box and stashing it away with the others.

He lazily flopped back into his bean bag chair, controller in hand, making himself comfortable. When they reached character select, Larry chose his all-time favorite, Kitana. Holy shit, those curves.

Sal was having a difficult time choosing between Scorpion and Raiden, but in the end he decided to go with the classic: Scorpion.

The two were only about 20 seconds into the match when Sal began to realize that Mortal Kombat wasn't his cup of tea. Not only was he getting his ass beat, but he thought that there were too many controls and combinations to remember, especially when you have to think quickly. Sure, it got adrenaline going - that, and the violence and nudity, being most of the reason Larry loved it so much - but it just wasn't for him.

Anyhow, Larry was enjoying himself a lot playing this game and the last thing Sal wanted was to ruin that, so he continued to play another few matches with him.

"Oh, looks like I've won again." Larry grinned, showing his tooth gap. He stuck out his tongue at Sal, mocking the way he'd done it earlier. As he stuck out his tongue, he exposed a piercing; a little black stud in the middle of his tongue.

Sal snickered. "Okay, okay, victory's yours... for now."

Larry rolled his eyes, smiling. "Victory will be mine from here on, Sally Face."

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