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"How did I know you were gonna go to some vegan restaurant?" I say, as he pulls up to the restaurant.

"One of my favourites. Is that a problem, Miss Williams?"

I shake my head no, and exit the vehicle.

We go inside and he orders his food, and buys me an iced tea since I kept begging for it.

"I still don't get how you Americans drink tea cold. It's absolutely mortifying." He tells me as he sips his detox water. If there's one thing I've learned about Harry, it's that he's that type of guy that has the organic kinds of shit in his fridge.

"And I don't get how you British people drink hot tea. I've tasted it before and it tasted like complete and utter shit." I say as I sip on my straw.

"Language." He singsongs, and I mumble "my bad" as he chuckles at me.

"And also, it's not complete and utter shit if you fix it up right. I'll have to make a cup of tea for you myself." He tells me as we walk outside to his car.

"I thought we were watching our language, Mr. Styles." I raise an eyebrow at him while calling out his hypocritical behavior.

His whole entire demeanor changed, and his eyes became a darker green. He clenched his jaw before looking around and then shoving me against a nearby wall, leaving me a confused and turned on mess.

"Don't tell me about what I say compared to your verbal wrongdoings. I'm the boss, you're my assistant. And for the billionth time, it's Harry to you not Mr. Styles. Is that understood?" He asks, and I nod. He seems not to be pleased with my nonverbal answer, and says, "Use your words."

"Yes, Harry. I underst-stand."


"Ebony, I need to see you in my office!" Harry yelled, and I sighed as I got up from my chair and smoothed down my pencil skirt.

Ever since lunch today, I've been feeling awkward around him, and I've been walking on eggshells trying not to piss him off in any way, shape, or form. But at this point, I'm over being nice.

"Yes, Harry?" I asked, exhaustion showing through my voice.

"Please sit, we need to discuss the events that occurred earlier." He tells me with a stern look on his face, and I take a seat across from him at his desk.

"What about it? How you were hypocritical of my foul language, or the way you pushed me up against the wall?" I asked, annoyance noticeable in my voice.

He raised his left eyebrow at me, questioning my attitude towards him. But ion give a damn.

Hell, he can fire my ass for all I care.

"I don't like the way you're talking to me, Ebony. You're trying my patience." He says, and I shrug.

"And I don't like the way you think you can treat me like a little girl, pushing me on a wall and shit. And I'm a grown ass woman, I can swear however and whenever the fuck I want to. Don't get yo ass beat the fuck up." I say, without any restraint.

There's that southern side of me.

"Did you just threaten me?" He asks, truly shocked by how I'm talking to him.

"Baby that ain't no threat, it's a promise." I tell him, and get up to leave.

"Don't leave, or you're fired." He raises his voice, but I roll my eyes.

"Then I'll make it easier for you. I quit."

"Now Ebony, you're being ridiculous-"

"No the fuck I'm not. I'm bout to dip out this hoe. You done pissed me off for the day, probably for the rest of the year. Bye Styles." I say as I reach the door, but he gets to me and pulls on my arm, and we're face to face with each other.

"Let me go, bruh. I done had it up to-" I start to say, but he cuts me off by smashing his lips against mine, and pulling me in closer with his hand on my back.

I kiss him back, his lips making me forget how mad I was at him just 30 seconds ago.

How the fuck he did that?

He placed his hands under my thighs and picked me up, my legs hugging his waist. He walked us over to his desk, and there he placed me on the surface, our lips still attached.

He started trailing his hands from my waist up to my face, and he held them there for a while before pulling us apart from each other, both out of breath.

"Does that take back you wanting to quit?" He asks with a smirk, and I roll my eyes.

"Shut up, and kiss me."

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