Chapter Six - Elena's Date

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AUTHOR'S NOTE: Hello! Just a little note before continuing the story. Special shoutout to ohrosely for the new book cover! Be sure to check her out, she creates awesome covers. Thanks!


It was 10:21 PM when I strummed on my guitar, allowing the tingling sensation on my fingers to relax my whole body. I instantly allowed the music to relieve me from my stress and worries. I quietly hummed the lyrics to the song, my voice colliding with the notes.

Guitar had always guided me through the difficult times in life. When I focus on the music, it's almost like I'm flying. I can feel myself soar into my imagination, escaping reality. But nobody has ever heard me sing, or write songs before. I like to keep everything private. I stopped singing when I heard my phone buzz with a text.

Jonas Thompson: Hey, is this Elena?

My heart pumped as I bolted with joy. I let out a happy sigh and smiled to myself. It's crazy how a single person can completely change your mood. I told myself that I wouldn't respond until 5-10 minutes have passed, however, after a long 2 minutes, I gave in.

Elena Payton: No, I'm sorry. This is Barbara from Planned Parenthood. How can I help you?

I chuckled to myself, as I received a reply almost instantly. My stomach fluttered in excitement.

Jonas Thompson: Ha ha. Very funny. Anyways, are we still on for Martha's Bakery?

Elena Payton: Depends. Martha better have some lemon raspberry cupcakes, or I'm not coming.

Jonas Thompson: I'm offended! I can't even go on a date with a girl without bribing her with cupcakes?

I read his text about twelve times over before it hit me. It was a date? Oh my gosh. I squealed with joy, and I couldn't suppress the smile on my face. I swooned over Jonas' words for a good three minutes. We texted back and forth for a while, until finally settling on a date. Tuesday, at 2:00 PM.

Jonas Thompson: Oh, and bring a swimsuit. I'm taking you somewhere, after.


Tuesday morning, I jumped out of bed with a wide, cheeky grin. Like your typical, boy-obsessed teenage girl, I was stoked to see Jonas.

As I began getting ready for the day, I realized that I had no clue what to wear. Should I wear something cute and dressy, or casual? Then it hit me. Lauren! She'll know exactly what to do. Lauren is a fashionista, and her style is impeccable. In fact, she does get the guys' attention with her copper golden eyes and short, curly dirty blonde hair. She's tall, curvy and fit; it's no wonder that she has about four guys practically begging for her number.

Me, on the other hand.. I'll wear anything from a thrift store or hand-me-downs. I've only had one boyfriend; Luke Anderson in eighth grade. He was cute; curly blonde hair, and icy blue eyes that made me melt. It was one of those pointless relationships— none of us understood the real meaning of love and dating. I've kissed him a few times back then, but I wouldn't count those as real kisses. Welcome to my sad love life. Now let's just hope that things are different with Jonas..

I requested a video chat with Lauren, and she answered on the third ring.

"Hey!" She greeted, as she flawlessly put on eyeliner.

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