Chapter Eight - Summer Carnival

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Two nights later, I dream. I dream about Jonas, his soft hands on my waist as he dipped our bodies into the ocean saltwater. I dream about Jay, when he gives me a shoulder to cry on, and to share my accomplishments with. I dream about my late night chat with Brendon, looking at me with tender, understanding eyes.

At this moment, I feel good. I feel happy. I feel free.

Beep. Beep. Beep.

I groan, as I drag my arm from under the blanket, recklessly scouring to shut off the blaring alarm from the source of my phone. I rub my eyes, and they flutter open. I wake up flushed, when the feeling of freedom is obliterated by the ghastly reality of day.

I sigh, before I lift my phone from the nightstand.

1 new message from Jay Sullivan.

I swipe my phone open, as I read what is displayed on the screen.

Jay Sullivan: Brendon told me you were looking for me, sorry, I forgot to tell you. I'm going to be away for a few days, the camp is actually really fun. Doesn't even feel like work. Can't talk for long, they're making us run laps with the kids.

Elena Payton: A FEW DAYS?? Who am I supposed to hang out with? There's so much I need to tell you.

Jay Sullivan: Hey, you'll live. Go hang out with Brendon, it's not like he has anything to do either. Text Jonas. Live your life!!

Elena Payton: Ughh, fine. But right when you get back— Beans n' Cream.

Beans n' Cream was our favourite location to meet up. It was a small cafe down the street, and it gave us '80s retro vibes. Old, vintage records were displayed among the walls, surrounding the barstools and booths. It was a place where we could use our imagination, and appreciate the past.

I clicked my phone off, and let out a long breath. I wondered if it was too early to text Jonas. It's been two days, after all. Maybe I should wait a little longer? Stop overthinking this. Just text him.

I pursed my lips, as I climbed out of bed and into the bathroom. As I brushed my teeth and combed my dark hair, Jonas never left my mind. I don't want to seem too desperate. But what if he's waiting for you to text him? Ugh, forget it. I'll just text him tomorrow.

I slipped out of my cotton pyjamas, and into skinny jeans and a mustard yellow crew neck. As I slid my feet into brown vintage boots I bought from a thrift store, I secured my hair into a messy top knot.

I head downstairs. I hear the faint sound of the television. When I reach the kitchen, I poke my head into the living room. Mom and Dad aren't up yet, but Mari is still in her pyjamas, sprawled over the couch.

"Mari, is that.." I squint my eyes. "Is that The Vampire Diaries?"

She flinches, as she turns her head. "Oh. I didn't hear you come down!"

"You can't be watching that show, you're too young." I declare, as I walk back to the kitchen and open the fridge.

Mari lets a long, disappointed sigh escape her lips. "It's not even bad!" She whines.

I shook my head. "If I make you a grilled cheese, will you turn it off?"

Her face lights up as she bobs her head up and down. The corner of my lips tug into a smile. I may not be the best cook, but I can make a killer grilled cheese sandwich. My secret? Extra cheese. I make Mari's sandwich first, placing the cheese on the bread.

"Can we have a sisters day today? Just me and you, hanging out." I propose.

"Nope. I'm going over to Elizabeth's house later." She shrugs, and I groan.

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