derek, i presume?

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Somehow I got suckered into going with Stiles and Scott to meet up with this scary Derek guy. As per what Stiles told me much to my distaste, this Derek guy seems like a grumpy old man.

"How can you drive this death trap?" I grumbled from the back seat of Stiles 'Jeep'.

"Hey!" Stiles was about to defend his shit jeep when Scott cut him off.

"How did you learn?" He blurted out. Nervousness laced in his tone. I felt myself ease as a knowing feeling took over. He was scared. I dont blame him. I was in his place at point in my life.

"My uncle taught me," I spoke up finally and my mind finished flashing back to years before.

"Did it hurt? How long did it take? Can he teach me?" Scott fired off one question after another without a breath.

" Scott, I'm a weretiger by birth. What I am is because of my mother. I learned through extreme amounts of pain how to control my shift. It's not painless when I shift. I have my bones breaking, shifting, and growing to complete the shift....I've just grown used to the pain. The time varies for each and every person to learn control. I am not a slave to the full moon like you are I can change freely without losing control at least I can now... The only time I couldn't control my shift was during the first year."

"How old were you?" Scott turned around in his seat to look me in the eyes.

"I was thirteen....all I remember was being in excruciating pain in the middle of class....I ran out to the hallway....and woke up at home. I told my uncle what happend-"

"What about your parents?" Stiles butted in. I whipped my head to the side to look out the window.

"I went through two years of pain, worse pain then I felt when I shifted just to learn to control it. Just so I didn't randomly shift. I did it just to become partially normal and blend back into society."

"That's why you disapeared...."Scott whispered to himself but I heard him clearly.

"You came back sophomore year."

"No I came back as a freshman... which is why I'm in your grade this year for sophomore class. I missed so much those two years i didn't want to give up my whole high school experience."

"So you're older?" Stiles cut in, a question I actually would answer


"Why? Why come back?"

"I needed normalcy Stiles....being by yourself for a long time can do things to you....mentally damage you. And my grade would've hounded me with questions on my disappearance. Your grade barley knew so I said why not."

"And your parents?"

I gritted my teeth, I saw Scott look at Stiles with the look that said 'shut the hell up' and his tone with a warning,"Stiles-"

"They're dead," I interjected quickly, I met Stiles gaze in the rear view mirror, "Is that what you wanted to hear?"

"No-well-I mean,"Stiles started to ramble and Scott gave him a dirty look.

"I'm sorry," Scott said quickly as he gave Stiles the look that said 'really need to shut the hell up now'.

Five minutes later, after driving some distance into the woods, Stiles spoke up in a slight fear filled tone, "We're here..."

I looked at the house and crinkled my nose. There was a burnt down house with little to nothing left of the structure....yet outside sat a shiny new black Camaro. Burnt house. New car. Logic.

We all climbed out of the death trap. I mumbled a 'finally' under my breath before turning to look at the boys who were already sauntering towards the house fearfully.

"He lives here?" I asked them both as I crept up to the house with them. Both of them jumped alarmed by my close presence. I couldn't help but laugh.

"Alrighty boys. Change your diapers and knock on the door to call out the big bad wolf."

They both scowled at my diaper comment but turned, Scott was the one who knocked on the door.

"Derek?" Scott called, the door creaked open after Scott's first knock.

"That's not creepy at all...." Stiles mumbled sarcastically. I listened to the noises through out the house.

I walked in behind them as they huddled close to me. I couldn't help but snicker at their fear of this guy.

"Someones definitely here...." I told them hearing the sound of a steady heart beat.

"How do you know?" Stiles asked, and i had to give him the 'are you serious look'.

"Advance tiger hearing....that and it smells like wet dog..."

I lied about the wet dog...I couldn't pin point what the godly smell was. All I knew was I wanted roll in it and sleep for days. Tiger side of me I almost was like when I found out I enjoyed catnip.....but that's another story....

It was intoxicating all my senses to the point where my nerves were running haywire. I dont know how much longer I could resist before trying to seek it out.

"Holy shit!" Stiles exclaimed, his body bent flinching, as a fist came flying his way from the man who sped at us.

I sped in front of Stiles catching the fist just an inch in front of Stiles face. The smell was coming from this man and when our eyes connected I knew it was him....

"Derek I presume?"

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