It only gets worse

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I never believed that I would be the one to call it quits when it came to pain. However when Derek and I arrived back at the house I found myself unable to move. My skin becoming so hot that Derek was sweating as he held me.

"I think we should call your uncle."

"I don't know," I whispered as I buried my faced into his neck, "he's probably busy."

"At this moment, I think we need to find out why it hasn't at least subsided," he pointed out, I hummed in response.

"My phone is in my backpack."

He went to get up, but i literally latched onto him, I heard him let out a huff as he wrapped his legs around his waist and stood up. He went over to the front door where I tossed my backpack when I got home. 

"Which pocket?" He asked, his chest vibrating as he spoke.

"The very front one," I whispered burring my face in his neck, i felt his one arm rustle around in my bag.

"Got it," he grunted, I bite my lip squirming a little as a I felt a rush of pain in my stomach. I heard Derek inhale sharply.

"I need you to not move for at least ten minutes...." he quickly dialed my uncles number. He put it on speaker phone.

"I can't talk right now!"

"It's kind of an emergency," Derek cried out before my uncle could hang up.

"Derek? Where's Chloe?" I could hear him go from distracted to concerned in seconds, "Is she okay?"

"That's the thing, she's going through heat."

The other line was quiet for a second before he responded, "You didn't mate her?"

"I mean-"

"No he didn't!" I blurted out over whatever embarrassing thing that Derek was going to say.

"Well you two are going to wanna hop to it," he replied before we heard muffled shouting, "If you don't it only gets worse."

"So I don't even have a choice?" I yelled, causing Derek to wince, I sent him an apologetic look.

"Nope, sorry sweetheart, mates that don't mate...well I don't really know what happens it never happens. I just know that what you are feeling right now will only get much worse."

"Use protection," he said before he the line went dead.

"I won't do anything you don't want to do, Chloe...I also don't like seeing in this pain and it's killing me," Derek said as he lowered me to put my feet on the ground. I rested my head on his chest. Fuck. What do I have to lose?

"Fuck it," I grumbled before looking at him and slamming my lips to his. He reacted immediately lifting me onto his lap.

I felt his hands roam my body as the kisses became more and more heated. Everywhere he touched left goosebumps. I bit his lower lip and tugged.

He growled softly, his eyes flashing blue. I felt myself get carried from the couch and up the stairs. I ended up ripping off his shirt before we made it to my room. My back was pressed against my bedroom door as Derek kissed and bite down my neck hungrily, as he struggled to open the door.

I nearly fell back when the door swung open, but Derek refused to put distance between us at the moment so he steadied me. 

I giggled when he plopped me on the bed, he smiled down at me, "You need to be a lot less covered."

"Then undress me Hale," I grinned at him like a Cheshire cat, he smirked before pouncing on me. Within seconds my clothes were thrown around the room. I let out a laugh at the comical sigh of it. 

I returned the the favor for Derek completely stripping him. I pulled him down and kissed him demanding more.

"God, you're perfect," he mumbled, and after that I was floating. The feeling between the two of us indescribable. I hadn't realized the heat had left my body till we were about start the fifth round.

"Wait," I panted softly, holding him up for a minute.

"Babe-" he whined because he didn't want to stop.

"Sorry! I just don't feel my heat anymore. Continue." 

Vacant Eyes (A Derek Hale Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now