Tagged #21 (Πlots)

27 4 51

get it

cause Π = pi

and 21 pilots

tag tag by my wife and child who i am incest-ing with

tag tag by my wife and child who i am incest-ing with

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1. Do i like someone?

2.Do they like me?

3. Middle name?
HoW aBoUt i ShOw yOu mY mIddLe fIngEr-

4. Single or taken?

by sleep

5. Last person i texted?

6. Last song i listend to?
Doki doki sayo-nara

7. Battery percentage?

8. Girl best fren?
Sophia n kiara

u know who u are sophia

9. Guy best fren?
Dis guy i found on internet, but then i found out we were classmates now XD his names Adrian

but i call him a drain

cause he's draining my life---

10. Fav otp?

11. y u make ur account?

12. Current lock screen

 Current lock screen

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13. Birthday?
Right now

 Birthday?Right now

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1. What's your favorite, least fav to draw:

= I like drawing heads and hands

= a n a t o m y   s u c k s

2. Are you considering art as a career?

nah i say art is just my hobby lol, not even a talent

3. Whats the best advice you've ever gotten?

Don't use the blur brush. Watercolor brush is your fren

4. What types of things did you like to draw as a child?

P r i n c e s s e s   a n d    m e r m a i d s

5. What do you struggle with and what are you good at as an artist?

I struggle with the fucking feet

Im good at hair

6. Favorite thing to draw with?

Pen. No pencils thanks

7. What motivates you?


8. Why do you like art?

I wanted to learn art so i could make my own worlds and show my 2nd grade enemy ThAt I hAvE tALEnT

9. Have you ever expected to make it to the point where you're at now?

I expected better.

10. Tag 3 people

3people (idk who u are but thanks lmao)

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