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tagged by 16Sweet_Misery16

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tagged by 16Sweet_Misery16

tagged by 16Sweet_Misery16

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my questions:

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my questions:

1. What's the last thing you verbally said to anyone?

"CLoSe ThE dOoR!!1!" to my mom

2. Dumbest thing you did to anyone?

someone confessed "I have a crush on you" and i didn't know what to do so i just gave them a garnet thumbs up.

3. Scariest thing you've ever done?

walking on hanging bridges while my sister and little cousin jumped on it to make it not balance smh

4. Something you said at the worst moment?

someone was mad at me and i didn't know what to do so "I'll do you assignments and I'll give you 15 pesos"

5. Favorite food and dessert?

potato n cheese, some chocolate fudge cake my friend made at culinary. it was so good smh. i snatched their recipe now i just need an oven.

6. Favorite thing about yourself?

idk fam

7. Whats your opinion on soulmates?

they're not real

8. What's your zodiac sign?


9. Whats your fav day of the week?


10. Are you currently crushing on someone?


11. Worst pick up line you've said, someone read to you, or read online?

it was by someone "Your hand looks heavy, may i hold it?"

12. smoothest pick up line you've had said to you, you said, or you read?

Oh you're getting married? noice can i be the bride?

13. On a scale of 1-10 how good do think you are at socializing?


Questions for ya:

1. is wattpad shitty?

2. Do you think wattpad has the worst or good-enough writers?

3. Which parent do you hate most? ur mom or dad?

4. Whats your kink ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°

5. Cats or dogs, no both or in between.

6. You lost your friends, your loved one a hates you, your parents dont seem to care. Your at the kitchen staring on the first aid cabinet that holds medicines and pills. What do you do?

7. On a scale of 1-10 how good do you think you are at comforting someone?

8. You killed someone you hate at the back of the school. You wear gloves all the time, and have a pair of extra uniforms when needed on your locker/backpack (idk how american schools work k) And you were using a fork to do this. What do you do?

9. Are you good at math?

10. If yes, then are you ok with answering my homework lol

11. When does school start for you?

12. .- -. -. .- / do you know what code is that? if so what is it?

13. ||-//   do you know what code is that? if so what is it?

i tag


im dragging as many people here

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