The Letter Box

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Third Person POV

"Bobby? What's wrong?" Dean asks over the phone. 

"We need to meet up." Bobby's voice is soft and broken.

"Okay... but why?" 

"I can't say it over the phone. Just come to Sioux Falls." 

"Alright. You- you're not in any kind of danger are you?" Dean worries. 

"No. But this is urgent." 

"Okay. I'll be there in 9 hours or so."

Dean flips his phone shut, but not before hearing Bobby whisper, "I'm sorry." 

What could be so urgent that Bobby needed Dean over as soon as possible? And why couldn't he speak of it over the phone? Dean has gotten calls like this before, of course, but this seemed different. 

The Impala's headlights shone through the dusty curtains of Bobby's windows. Dean's boots crunch against the stones as he steps out of his car. He knocks rapidly on the front door. 

The door squeaks open, "Oh good, you're here." Bobby is quick to embrace him. 

"Woah, Bobby. What's up with the hugs and cuddles? You haven't even told me what's wrong yet." Dean pulls apart from Bobby and puts his hands on his shoulders. 

"Maybe we should sit down first." 

Dean sits down on the old sofa adjacent to the tv. Bobby opens two beers and sets one in front of Dean then stands across from him.

"Bobby, you're killing me here. What's wrong?" Dean's brow furrows. 

"It's Sam." Dean stiffens at the name. He and Sam didn't leave off on the best note. 

"Yeah, what about Sam?" Anger tints his voice. 

"He's gone." 

"Come on, Bobby. What do you mean by gone? He's been AWOL for a while!" 

"I mean he's gone, Dean. I got a call yesterday about a suicide. Sam's...suicide." 

"Who's chain are you trying to yank here? Do you think this is funny? Bobby why are you saying this?" 

Dean's eyes were glassy and his voice filled with disbelief. 

"Sam killed himself in a motel room. He took a lot of pills. The motel manager found the body and the police found my number written on a notepad." 

"That...that's impossible. Sam would never kill himself. He would've told someone or–" 

"Dean, he's gone. I'm sorry, okay?" 

"You're sorry? Bobby, my brother's dead! He's gone! Sorry ain't helping!" Dean shouted, now standing up, towering over his uncle.

Bobby started to get angry. 

"Well what else am I supposed to say!? You're not the only one hurting here! Sam was like a son to me and you know it! Whatever you're feeling, I feel the same way so stop talking to me like I don't understand!" Bobby's cheeks were flushed red with anger. 

"Dammit!" Dean's voice booms with anger, but the tears start to spill over. He punches a hole through the wall. After tugging his hand out, he grabs the beer and smashes it against the opposite wall. He backs up against the wall and slides down to the floor. 

"How could this happen?" He asks with his hands on his head and head between his knees. 

Bobby reaches for a wooden box. 

"He left this for you." Bobby lays the box in front of Dean, "His note is the paper on top. I didn't open the box because it says its for you." 

Dean's chokes, his tears soaking his face and eyes a deep red.

He grabs the box, "I have to go."

"But we didn't even talk about his funeral or the fact that he doesn't have a name in the data base." Bobby reasons.

"I'll deal with it. I have to go." Dean holds the box close to him and rushes out the door.

"Dammit." Bobby says to the empty room, hoping that Dean wouldn't do anything rash.


Hey guys! Sorry that the first chapter is so short, but im posting the next chapter as soon as possible. The next chapter is about what the note on the box says. I'm breaking it up like this so it's like each chapter is a letter from Sam including Dean's actions because of each letter.

I hope you enjoy the book! The majority of the chapters from now on are going to be from Dean's POV (except the letters of course).

Also, on the side is the song that kind of sets the tone for the book. Its called "Salty Seas" by Devics.

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