Letters 05 & 06

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Dear Dean,

Remember back in 2009 when Zach sent you to the future? 

I was just thinking about how you said you cried when you saw me as the devil himself. It's been a long time since then.

I find myself recalling random moments of our lives together. I wonder if you do too. 


Sam Winchester

Sometimes Sam puzzles me with how short some of his letters are compared to the others. Why was this one so short? I'll just read the next one. 

Dear Dean,

I hate you. How could you make this so tough for me? You know what I'm talking about. 

What is he talking about? 

Today, I was at a Gas n' Sip in Wyoming. I was buying some food for the road and when I turned around, you were at the counter buying beer. 

I walked up behind you and said, "Dean?" 

You turned your head quickly towards me, "Sammy... What are you doing here?" 

"Investigating. You?" 

"Same thing. Doing the job." You replied as you payed, grabbed the beer, and swiftly walked towards the door. 

"It's good to see you." I say as the bell over the door jingles. We walked all the way to your car before you responded. You put the beer on top of the car and rested your hands on the car frame. 

"Sam, what are you doing?" 

"Making conversation... It's been weeks since I've seen you."

"Well, listen. It's good to see you, but we aren't a thing anymore. We don't work together anymore." And that's when I lost faith in you. 

"I– I mean I thought–"

"Thought what, Sammy? We're have nothing to talk about." 

"Since when is there nothing to talk about!?" 

"Since you went behind my back and had another fling with a demon!" He yelled, poking at my chest.

People nearby were starting to look, so I lowered my voice, "It wasn't like that." 

"Oh, it wasn't like that?" He copies with sarcasm.

"No! I didn't know she was a demon! Honest!"

"Even if you didn't know, you were so distracted by that girl that you got people killed. That family was relying on us to get rid of the ghosts in their house, remember, the really angry ghosts? There was a baby and a little girl that died because you weren't there when I needed you!" 

"I know, I'm sorry–"

"Well sorry ain't gonna bring those kids back!" He interrupts. 

"I know, Dean. Just let me talk!" I begged. 

"No, I'm done. I'm done with this. You're– you're not my brother anymore. I don't know who you are but you sure ain't him."  Then you got into the Impala and sped away, leaving me in the dust. 

I tried to apologize, okay? I tried to explain that I didn't know that Petra was a demon. I tried to explain that she tried to drain my blood from my body in order to find out where you were. She wanted to kill me and you for killing some demon relative of hers. I was trying to protect you, and now I've tried to apologize, but it's obvious I can't get through to you. 

Oh, Sammy. I'm sorry. I didn't know what Petra did to you. I should've known that you were just trying to protect us. I remember holding that little girl's limp body in my arms, but it was nothing to blame on you. Now, I blame myself for not being able to get rid of those ghosts myself. 

When I heard you say my name at that Gas n' Sip, I was ecstatic. I'm not sure what came over me afterwards. My pride? My ego? It made me act like a total douche. 

I made everything a bigger deal than it had to be... 

Sometimes I wish you would just listen. 

Or whatever.


Sam Winchester


I'm sorry. 


WOO! sorry for the short chapter... was that chapter bad or sad? :/

Anyweyhey another chapter should be up soon. This one was to explain why Sam and Dean split up. Next chapter will be Dean investigating Sam's death more.

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<3 Hellraisers

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2014 ⏰

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