The Second Letter

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I put the letter down and grab the next one.

Dear Dean,

I don't know why I wrote that letter yesterday, because I didn't even send it. I don't know why I'm trying again, either.

After I wrote that letter, I saw something on the news about a man murdered in his home with no signs of forced entry and no tripped alarms. Weird, right? It sounded like our kind of deal, so I checked it out to get my mind off things.

It was the typical spirit of an angry loved one story, so I got rid of the spirit. But the woman of the man asked me something I'll never forget.

"What is there left to live for when you don't even feel alive?" She asked.

"I wish I knew." Was all I could say. Now that I think back on it, I probably should've offered her some words of comfort or something.

But I started thinking about that time you took me to that field on the Fourth of July, 1996. So that's where I went today. Dad wasn't there to give us a real Fourth of July celebration, so you bought a whole box full off fireworks. I remember dancing around in the sparks... Then we basically burned the whole field.

At this point, I have to put the letter down and take a moment. I'm going to go to that field. It only feels right.

I check out of the motel and put my keys in the ignition.

Half an hour later, Bon Jovi's Wanted Dead or Alive comes on. I smile and look to the passenger seat, but the smile doesn't last. Sammy isn't here to sing one of his favorite songs. I can remember singing along with him and he would laugh his stupid laugh as I sing the guitar part out loud.

When I finally arrive at the field, I stand in the middle where we put the fireworks.

The sun was bright and wispy white clouds drifted in the sky. A light breeze bristled the grass and sent a shiver up my spine.

It was like the weather was reflecting the good memories.

Breathing in the cool air helped calm me down. I still can't grasp the fact that Sam is gone.

"But he doesn't have to be." I say.

I light the three candles on the chalk sigils I drew on the dungeon floor. After visiting the field, I deciding on finally visiting the bunker again.

I say the incantation, "Et ad congregandum...eos coram me."

"Hello boy- Dean. How may I be of service to you?" He says somewhat sarcastic, somewhat irritated. "And make it good, because I was in the middle of the new Captain America movie."

"I need you to bring Sam back."

"What do you mean?"

"You know what I mean. Sam's gone, and I want him back."

"I'm sorry, but I didn't realize Sam was gone. His soul hasn't passed through my territory, or else I would know."

"Well I need you to bring him back." I plead.

"Dean, as much as I would enjoy collecting your soul, I don't know where Sam's is."

"That's impossible. You can't bring him back from heaven? That's the only other place right?"

"Sorry squirrel, rules have changed."

And just like that, Crowley's gone.

What the hell?

Why can't Crowley find Sam's soul?

At least now I know he's not suffering in Hell... But why can't Crowley check heaven?

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