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Many Years Ago...

Once upon a time on a snowy December night in the Kingdom of Arendelle, the halls of the royal castle echoed with the cries of the queen.  Queen Gerda travailed in labor with her first born child. The entire kingdom was filled with anticipation for the arrival of the new born babe.

"Push, My Queen, push," said Gretchen, the thin, brown haired royal mid wife.  The queen let out another gut-wrenching cry of pain.

"Soon you will be holding our child, come on my dear, come on and push," said King Derik.

The queen gave one last push as the candles in the chamber began to flicker.  The room fell silent.  The queen lay there breathless when suddenly, the room was filled with the cries of a newborn child.

"It's a girl!" said Gretchen excitedly, cleaning the baby before swaddling her in a knitted blue blanket.

"Let me see her," said Gerda with her arms outstretched, reaching for her child.

Gretchen walked over to the exhausted queen and gently placed the child in her arms.

"She's perfect," said Derik, his thumb gently stroking the child's cheek.  He jerked his hand back with alarm, feeling the coldness of her skin.

"What's wrong?  Is she alright?" asked Gerda.

"I'm not sure...she's freezing," Derik said, alarmed.

The queen touched the child's cheek and drew her hand back in fear as frost formed on her fingers. "Gretchen, please leave us," said Gerda with worry.  

Gretchen bowed her head and left the room, clueless to the incident.  As soon as she closed the door, Gerda whimpered.

"What's going on?" Derik insisted.

"Look," Gerda said, showing him the frost on her fingers.  They both sat in complete silence, frightened by the sight.

"Ingrid's magic," Derik said, breaking the silence.  "But...but, how could this be?"

"I don't know," Gerda said.  Then she gasped, "Of course, the price of magic."

"What are you talking about?" asked Derik confused.

"All magic comes with a price.  That's what the Troll King warned.  This is my punishment for using the urn.  This is my punishment for seeking Rumplestiltskin's help.  This is my punishment for taking the memories of everyone in the kingdom," said Gerda, unable to hold back her tears.

"My dear, please don't cry. This is supposed to be a day of joy," Derik said, trying to comfort her.

"But, how can I be filled with joy when Ingrid's curse is now on our daughter?  How is she going to control it?  Remember what happened to Helga!" Gerda said insistently.

"Please calm down, Gerda.  We have to be strong.  We have to be strong for the kingdom.  We have to be strong for our child.  Besides, remember you told me that Ingrid was born with her powers, but she didn't know about them until she was of twelve years of age.  Maybe since our child is showing signs of them now, it will be easier for her to control it."

"I hope so," Gerda said, turning her head back to the child. "Don't worry, we'll make sure you're going to be sweet Elsa."


Authors Note:

I hope you liked this first chapter!  I know it was short, but they're going to be longer from here on out. The next chapter has a lot of sister fluff, but after that, it gets darker. If you're looking for death and excitement, chapter three should do it for you!  I'm not going to give anything away, but you won't be disappointed!  Enjoy!

Once Upon A Time Frozen Over: Shards of Secrets (Book One) [COMPLETE]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt