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Present Day

East Village

The entire forest darkened as the sky became filled with ominous, gray clouds.  A gust of wind blew through the trees, making them sway like a wild, hypnotic dance.  The horses reared and whinnied, spooked from the sudden gale.  Kristoff wrapped his hand around his horse's reins and brought him back down.  "Whoa, boy!  It's ok," Kristoff said, rubbing its nose.

"We better hurry," Elsa said, holding the reins of her horse while gently patting its soft, white mane.  "It looks like a storm is coming."

Kristoff heard a low rumbling.  "What's that sound?  Is that thunder in the distance?"

"Sorry!" Anna said embarrassed, placing her hand on her stomach.  "That's just my stomach...I'm starving!  After the manticore attacked, Elsa and I just had a few bites of our breakfast — and the little apple I had on the way here, wasn't nearly enough.  Do you think we can go into the village to get something to eat?  It's probably going to take some time to get to this man...besides, it looks like it's going to storm."

Evie turned to face everyone.  "Hold on, Anna," she said with her hands up to gesture her to slow down.  "Actually, we don't go to him...he comes to us."

"Thank goodness!" Anna exclaimed, letting out a sigh of relief.  

"Here," Kristoff said, holding out a clump of moss to Anna.  "This will tide you over."

" thanks," Anna said, crinkling her nose in refusal.

"What do you mean?" Elsa asked Evie, looking confused.

"I just have to summon him by calling out his name," Evie explained.  "He's a powerful sorcerer.  I think he, along with some others, were trained by an even more powerful sorcerer a long time ago....I don't know, he's really vague when it comes to his background."

"And you know him how?" Kristoff asked, bewildered.

"That is a long story we do not have time for right now," Evie replied, not wanting to reveal anything.

"Now you really have me curious," Kristoff said as a grin spread across his face.

"Kristoff, you know curiosity killed the cat," Anna interjected.  "Although, I don't have much room to natural curiosity has gotten me in trouble quite a few times."

"Why doesn't that surprise me," Kristoff joked, giving her a lopsided grin.

Elsa held up her hands and closed her eyes in frustration.  "Is it impossible for you all to be serious for a single moment," she scolded.  "Can we summon this sorcerer already?"

"Yeah, Kristoff, you're distracting us," Evie said, placing her hands on her hips.

Kristoff shrugged his shoulders and raised the palms of his hands, wondering what he did wrong.

"Anyway," Evie said, serious now, "before we summon him, there's something you need to know — he can read minds....So be careful what you think around him, you don't want him getting into your head."

Kristoff looked at the ground, shuffling his feet in the dirt nervously.  "Are you sure this is a good idea?" Kristoff spoke up.

"Yes, we need answers," Anna affirmed.

"Oh," Evie added, "I almost forgot.  Whatever you not touch him — unless you want him to see your entire life and know every secret you have."

"Well he must have fun touching you then," Kristoff teased Evie.

"Kristoff!" Anna yelled at him, slapping his elbow.

Once Upon A Time Frozen Over: Shards of Secrets (Book One) [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now