Edward & Alyssa

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Title: Edward & Alyssa
Genre: Romance
Warnings: Suicide

Start date: 13/08/18
Completed: 15/08/18
Edited: unedited


Everything was so simple. In fact, everything was so simple that Edward should have known that there was something wrong. When he had pulled Alyssa aside in the hallway and asked her to stop hurting herself, she had immediately complied. She had told him that she had found the perfect solution to her problem and that everything would be okay. Her words had been followed by the brightest smile that Edward had seen from her in months so, instead of digging deeper, he had just nodded and smiled back. It was simple. Far too simple.

That's why when the final bell rang out signalling the end of school, he decided to follow her home, being careful to stay at least ten steps behind her. It was only after he had watched Alyssa enter her house and saw that her parents' cars were not in the driveway that he decided to knock on the door. When there was no answer he tried the handle but it was locked. He looked under the doormat for the spare key but as he glanced at the empty pavement he realised that Alyssa had taken it inside with her.

Feeling in his gut that something was wrong, Edward climbed onto the balcony outside Alyssa's bedroom window, something that he had done many times before. He watched as she took off her shoes and put away her bag. He watched as she placed her desk chair in the centre of her room under the beam of her bedroom ceiling. He watched as she left the room.

Moving swiftly he tried to open the window but it – just like the door - was locked. He watched as she walked back into the room holding a large rope that he knew she had stolen from her father's garage. His heart began to race. He pulled out his phone and called an ambulance and explained the situation. That's all he could think to do.

Edward watched as Alyssa climbed onto the chair and tied one end of the rope securely to the beam. Alarmed, he began to bang on the window. She looked up at him. Tears lined her eyes. "I'm sorry," she mouthed "But I can't see another way."

He watched as she placed the noose of the rope over her head. His sight becoming blurry, his banging on the window got more persistent and he began to call out to her, pleading for her to stop.

"Please," he cried out hoarsely. "Alyssa  please!"

Edward felt his hands go numb and his voice turn hoarse as the window in front of him began to tinge red. His eyes locked on hers as the glass began to give way to his incessant pounding

"It's okay," Alyssa choked out, her voice barely audible through the cracks in the window. "It's all going to be okay."

Though his vision was corrupted by tears, Edward watched as his best friend kicked the chair out from underneath her and as the glass shattered beneath his hands. He watched as Alyssa flailed and her legs kicked the air while simultaneously putting his arm through the hole he had created to open the window latch. Using the last of his energy, Edward pulled himself through and into Alyssa's bedroom. Without another thought, he stumbled to the centre of the room, positioned himself so that he was between the girl's legs and then stood straight so that she was sat on his shoulders.

When the ambulance finally arrived, they found a blood soaked boy struggling to hold up the body of an unconcious girl.

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