The Reunion

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Title: The Reunion
Genre: Fanfiction
Warnings: None

Start date: 23/08/18
Completed: 30/08/18
Edited: 23/10/20


Harry felt betrayed by the weather. When he had gotten out of bed that morning, the sun had been shining, the birds had been chirping and the sky was clear. So naturally, he had decided to walk the short distance to the bar that he worked at instead of driving. Halfway through his shift it had begun to drizzle but by the time he clocked out, the rain was nothing short of a torrential downpour. To make things worse, Jenna – who Harry usually carpooled with in these situations – was off on maternity leave. So, that's how Harry ended up walking back to his apartment alone and drenched in the middle of the night.

A cold gust of air caused his skin to prickle and a shiver to run down his spine. Halfway through his journey, the rain had stopped completely, allowing Harry to feel the full effect of the other elements. Although the fact that he was walking allowed him to stay moderately warm, goosebumps stayed dotted on his skin. He ran a calloused hand through his dark rain-soaked hair and felt the same uncanny feeling that he had felt during his shift at the bar. He was being watched.

While Harry wasn't small in stature, he knew from previous experience that the muscle on his body was good for nothing but making him look good. If it came to it, Harry knew that he could hold himself in a fight, Harry had no idea who – or how many – people were following him so he decided to try and avoid the scenario at all costs. Not knowing how to react to the situation, he increased his walking speed so that he was almost running which lessened the feeling of unease that had been plaguing him.

Just as he was about to reach his apartment building, Harry was roughly pinned against the wall of one of its neighbouring buildings by a familiar figure. "Are you trying to get yourself killed or are you just stupid?" Draco seethed at the man he had known since primary school. "You were just about to lead that drunk buffoon right to your doorstep."

Annoyed, Harry tried to shove the taller man off him but was restrained by Lucien tightening his grip on Harry's shoulders. "Neither," Harry spat. "I would have been fine."

"I'm certain that you would have."

Harry struggled against Lucien's hold for a few seconds before speaking. "What are you doing here anyway? I thought you were in Berlin with your fiancé." The last word fell out of Harry's mouth as if it were a curse.

"Is that jealousy I sense, Harry?" Draco smirked. "How cute."

Knowing better than to give into Lucien's taunting, Harry chose to stay silent and instead try again to push the blond man away from him but his efforts were to no avail.

"Darryl and I aren't together anymore," Draco stated, his words shrouded with an air of nonchalance.

Although Draco's voice was low, Harry felt as if the words had been shouted at him and put on a loop inside his head. While Lloyd had made Draco happy which had, therefore, made Harry happy, he had been wishing for their break up since the moment they got engaged. The idea of Draco and Lloyd getting married never sat well with Harry. It wasn't until he voiced his thoughts to his best friends Ron and Hermione that he realized – well Hermione realized and then enlightened him – that the reason he felt so uneasy about Draco's impending marriage was because he had feelings for the man and had probably been harbouring them for a while.

"When... How... Why?" Harry stuttered out.

"I forget about your lack of ability to form coherent sentences," Draco mused. "But to answer your questions, I broke up with him back in July because I realized that I was engaged to the wrong man."

"The wrong man?"

"It seems that I'd also forgotten about how clueless you are when it comes to reading a situation," Draco stated. "Get out of your head, Harry. Get out of your head and pay attention."

So Harry did. Ignoring the thoughts swirling in his mind, he allowed himself to be in the moment. Suddenly he was able to notice how close Draco actually was to him and that it was due to this closeness and nothing more that Harry had not continued to feel the cold of the night. He also managed to take note of the fact that Draco's face was a mere two inches from his own and that the blond man's steely blue eyes seemed to flicker between his eyes and his lips.

"It was me wasn't it?" Harry concluded. "You broke up with Lloyd because of me."

A small chuckle fell from Draco's lips. "Yes," he breathed out. "Well, kind of. I didn't end things with Lloyd because of you, I ended things with him to be with you."

Harry was at a loss. The words that Draco had just spoken were the exact words that Harry had dreamed of hearing for the past two years, yet he had no idea how to react to them. Unconsciously, Harry traced his lips with his tongue. He had expected Draco to move, to speak, to do something, but he did nothing but hold Harry against the solid damp wall until he became feverish with anticipation. Deciding to play Draco's game, Harry didn't move, except to involuntarily tremble beneath his touch.

Time stood still as the two men embraced each other. Neither of them noticed the loud wail of the sirens on a police car that stopped to investigate a suspicious looking drunk that was hiding in an alley nearby, nor did they notice that the sky had opened up to continue its onslaught of rain.

It was Draco who broke the trance. "Let's go inside," he uttered.

In response, Harry did nothing but nod, smirk and unlock the door.

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