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Jazlyn opens the front door, looking at the row of rooms and circuling stairway leading down to the depts of the evil surroundings. It was a usual routine for her, but she always felt a bit bad to lead innocent people to their deaths.

"We just need to walk down these stairs and we are good?" Harry asks, all of them leaning over the stairway and looking down.

"It surely appears so simple, and I truly wish it was. But we have to stop through the ten levels first," Jazlyn sighs.

"I knew there was a catch," Aria mutters.

"You suckers!" a young boy appears out of no where and laughs, disappearing instantly.

"What the hell was that?" Ashton asks, eyes widening.

"Oh believe me, there are dozens of captured souls lingering in here, and when you've been around long enough then you learn how to control if people see you. Like your friend is new, so he isn't visible by the living. But believe me, he's around," She says.

"Still don't believe in all of it?" Michael asks Ashton. Ashton doesn't respond, drowning in disbelief and confusion. 

"Who is she? The one that hangs out with that gas mask guy," Rocky asks.

"Okay, I don't care if you guys don't believe this but I'm gonna come clean and tell you everything. Alright?" she states.

Everyone nods anticipatingly.

"So she is the actual O.G. She was the first to move into this house in the early 1900s with her husband. She was insane; obsessed with the concept of death and murder. She began preforming satanic rituals and spells. Eventually, she murdered her husband, and then herself. Once she was dead, she became a bad spirit. But once new people moved in, she became enraged. Her husband had built it, which made her assume that it belonged to her forever. Slowly, she was able to control their minds. She would possess their inner selves and make them kill each other, and used curses to make sure that their souls could never leave her. This continued every time, and then there was a period that no one lived here. The house was for sale, but no one took bids. In 1974, a group of teenagers decided they should break in as  halloween fun. They wanted to see if all the old tales were true. From what new kid told me, reminds me a lot of your situation. Once they got closer, one of the boys spoke a lot to her. They were in here for a long time, and he managed to fall in love with her. So she convinced him that she would love him if he helped her. So he did, he betrayed his friends and murdered them. He told her that he would stay and help kill anybody, and that it was where he belonged. She fell in love with him and let him own the souls. As long as he's alive, everyone who died here must stay with him, and is held back from moving past. But the day he dies, we are all set free and even she can't control us anymore, which was her biggest mistake in handing us over. And whoever slays him will be our savior. At least she does not have the power to change the fact of his being a mere mortal," she explains, her eyes growing sad and angry.

"That's insane," Harry says.

"Wait, 1974 was forty years ago. You said you died forty years ago. Were you in the group that came with the gas mask?" Zayn asks.

Jazlyn nods sadly. "His real name was Raul. He was my best friend since we were just little kids. I still can't believe he would betray us that way," she says.

"What happened to the rest of you?" Niall asks.

"They're all around here. Interesting enough, you can still have your mind when you're dead. Well, dead and still trapped within this demension. And even being dead, you can manage to lose it. All of them couldn't handle everything and gave in, and now they work for her as well. I'm the only one that managed to stay sane and looks out for the safety of the new victims as much as possible. I don't want anyone else stuck in this nightmare. However, I can't do anything about the fact that you're doomed to die," she sighs.

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